Plantation becomes Planteray

An exclusive interview with Alexandre Gabriel

Hello RumX friends! Early this year, big news shook the rum world. Maison Ferrand changed the name of their famous rum range to "Planteray". We got to chat with Alexandre Gabriel about why they changed the name and what's next for Planteray. He also shared his thoughts on the rum market with us.

23 Mar 2024

Our interview partner Alexandre Gabriel

But that's not all! We're also hosting an exclusive RumX Masterclass with Alexandre on April 4, 2024 at 7pm for 40 lucky winners who will not only learn from Alexandre but also get to ask their questions in an intimate setting. To enter the draw, sign up in the RumX app by clicking on your RumX loyalty card . The 40 winners will receive a set of 8 different rums to taste during the Masterclass. You will find all the information about the event and the lottery at the end of the post.

But first, let's dive into the interview with Alexandre!

RumX: Hello, Alexandre! It's great to have you with us on RumX. Regarding the recent changes at your company, could you share your insights on the rebranding to 'Planteray' and what this significant shift represents?

Alexandre: Absolutely, and thank you for having me. Transitioning from Plantation to Planteray is indeed a pivotal moment for us. The genesis of our brand is deeply rooted in the soil, which is a reflection of my own childhood on a farm in Burgundy. Established in 1999, Plantation was always about honoring the land and the people who cultivate it. Now, evolving into Planteray, which combines 'plant' and 'ray', we aim to highlight our continuous bond with agriculture and sunlight, integral to our spirit-making process. This rebranding goes beyond a new name; it embodies our dedication to quality, respect for our heritage, and our collective bond with the environment and communities we work with.

RumX: Were there also external influences that led you to change the brand name?

Alexandre: The conversation began with feedback from a friend in the U.S., highlighting the painful associations of 'plantation' for many, particularly in Barbados and Jamaica where we produce our rum. The name, which intended to honor the land, inadvertently carried a legacy of suffering. Engaging with our team, it was clear that a change was necessary to respect our collective history and ensure our brand symbolizes joy and shared pleasure in rum.

RumX: Changing a brand as well-known as Plantation is a challenging undertaking. How was the name "Planteray" chosen?

Alexandre: Choosing 'Planteray' was a thoughtful process, aiming to preserve our brand's essence while shedding negative connotations. The new name signifies the symbiotic relationship between the plant and the sun, key elements in rum production. It echoes our ethos of authenticity, respect, and community. Unveiling 'Planteray' in Barbados, among our team, was profoundly emotional, affirming our shared commitment to a respectful and joyous future in rum making.

RumX: The initial feedback from the rum scene was mixed - what is your personal take on the rebranding so far? 

Alexandre: Well, thank you for asking and I like the straightforwardness of the question. I have so much respect for the rum scene and for people who share my passion for incredible rums. Rum is such a beautiful world, and as you know, Planteray is not really a brand. It's more like a universe that we share. It's not me. It's about all the rum aficionados, and I love to share everything I learn and everything I can do, and my team, obviously. I hope that the rum scene, the people who've stood by us, my team and I, and showed us all that love and appreciation. I feel that I work for people who enjoy beautiful things to drink, and I hope they understand why we made the decisions that were so important in terms of our values.

Promo postcard for the rebranding to Planteray

RumX: At the moment there seems to be a new wave of independent bottlers and new distilleries entering the market, resulting in a high density of fresh releases. Is the rebranding also a response to this market development? Does this increased competition impact you and how you select your rum range? 

Alexandre: I view the emergence of new independent bottlers and distilleries positively, as it enriches the rum landscape, echoing my aspirations when I launched Plantation in 1999. Our goal was to elevate rum's profile with high-quality, distinctive offerings, and seeing others share this vision is gratifying. This burgeoning environment doesn't directly influence our rebranding or product development; our creations are born from passion, not market trends. We craft rums we believe in, akin to artists dedicated to their art. While the market's expansion is encouraging, our focus remains steadfast on producing exceptional, transparently made rums. The competition validates our commitment to quality and the growing appreciation for fine rum. Ultimately, our engagement with the community and our adherence to values of transparency and excellence defines our path, unaffected by market dynamics yet supportive of the broader rum movement.

RumX: With these values in mind, what are your thoughts on the recent trends in rum pricing and the market outlook, including the aspects of tropical vs. continental maturation

Alexandre: I'm more focused on creating unique, meaningful products than predicting market trends. Our pricing strategy revolves around covering costs and sustaining our ability to craft exceptional rums, rather than reacting to market fluctuations. I'm aware of the secondary market's dynamics, but our primary joy comes from people enjoying and sharing our rums, not from their resale value. We're committed to producing rums that offer genuine value and enriching experiences, regardless of their market price.

Regarding tropical vs. continental maturation, I see rum as a diverse and rich category, akin to the world of fine wines, where variety and heritage play crucial roles. Rum should be celebrated for its diversity, not confined to strict categories. Our approach embraces both tropical and continental aging, honoring rum's history and leveraging the unique benefits of each method. Tropical aging offers intense maturation due to the climate, while continental aging provides nuanced evolution from temperature variations. At Planteray, we respect and utilize both traditions, offering rums that reflect the best of both worlds and encouraging rum enthusiasts to explore and appreciate this diversity.

RumX: How does Planteray address global preferences in rum, and what role does your understanding of Barbados rum history play in your production process?

Alexandre: Well, as you might infer from what I've shared earlier, we are passionate about crafting rums that are, in our view, simply extraordinary, especially when it comes to our work with Barbados. We delve deeply into the study of Barbados. At the West Indies Rum Distillery, where we're deeply involved, there exists a treasure trove of over 130 years of documents detailing the craft of Barbadian rum production. We have access to distillation records that reveal the precise speeds and temperatures used, and we still possess the blueprints for every pot and column still we've utilized since 1893. We even have records where blending and fermenting methods are meticulously noted.

All of this forms the core ethos of our approach, cementing the team at West Indies Rum Distilleries' pride in being seen as the backbone of Barbadian rum—a sentiment that fills us with pride as well. It's crucial for us to begin with a foundation rooted in production, aiming to create rums that evoke strong emotions, which we believe is key. We're a team brimming with creativity, offering a wide array of rums.

It seems that enthusiasts in various markets gravitate towards their preferred choices from our range, which we greatly respect. We don't dictate tastes; instead, we provide the 'instruments,' allowing individuals to 'play their own music,' so to speak. It's a philosophy that resonates across our efforts, inviting rum lovers to explore and discover their favorites within our repertoire.

RumX: On a general note, can you give us an insight into the new Planteray rums we may expect in 2024? 

Alexandre: Well, 2024 is going to be a super exciting year. As you probably know, we are launching the Cut and Dry Planteray. In the last 3 years we only had enough coconuts to do it just for the Barbados market, and now we finally have enough coconuts to do a soft launch in Europe and a bit in the US as well. Remember, it takes a whole coconut for one liter bottle, so we can't go faster than coconuts grow. But fortunately, we work with nine farms now in Barbados. We're farming more and more, and we help farmers. And now we're going to be able to have enough coconuts, and we're launching it. That's big news for us in 2024. Took me four years of research and 97 recipes to get it right, but we finally got it right, and now the product is available. 

And now we also have an incredible project, which is the Navy Rum, and a Navy Rum that's based on three years of research with our good friends, Matt Pietrek. We wanted to know what was a true Navy Rum. So research was done in the archives of the Navy, and we actually thought it was so fascinating what we found that we would write a book about this.

The book and the rum will be out about what we think are the cardinal points of a Navy rum. And we loved it so much. We actually made a rum using these big open vats to produce it. It will be available at the end of 2024 early 2025 in Europe. 

Also an incredible and exciting project that we've been working on. We're going to release in 2024, the oldest plantation and Planteray rum we ever made, which is a 40-year Jamaican rum from Clarendon. It's an MMW. So very, very excited about these releases. 

And also all  this exciting stuff that will be in my pockets at every show when you come see me in person. If you want to come to my seminars, I'm bringing very unique things, and I'll talk about that later. 

But I can tell you as a little preview, we have a very special collection for  super intense rums. We are finally making these available, at least to taste and maybe to launch. If you guys encourage us to do this, we will. We call them Hogo Monsters. That's our internal name for the Super High Ester rums, that are beautiful blending elements for me as a producer. And this is something that we're thinking of making available in 2024, if you guys are game with that.

RumX: The other big news for us rum lovers was that you brought back the legendary Rockley still. At what point in the process are you now and when can we expect the first releases?

Alexandre: I'm truly thrilled to discuss the Rockley still and delighted to see your enthusiasm as well. It's remarkable—it's the oldest rum still in the world that was dormant, and now, it's back in action, producing rum once more. A lot of this was inspired by my circle of supportive friends. Among them, the head of John Dore played a pivotal role. When he examined the still, which was merely a decorative piece in a parking lot, he saw its potential to produce rum again. He pointed out that it was handcrafted, hammered, and molded in sand back in 1780. Now, we've brought it back to life, and soon, you'll have the chance to taste its exceptional output. We even celebrated its inauguration alongside the Prime Minister of Barbados.

This still is now part of the Stade's brand lineage—Stade, a true pioneer, founded the distillery in 1893. He acquired the still from an older farm, although the complete backstory remains a bit of a mystery. In the future, you'll see this still's influence in Planteray's lineup, marked by distinctive fermentation and blending techniques. Attend one of my tastings, and you might just experience its unique character. I recently showcased my first Rockley-distilled rum outside Barbados at the Rum Congress in Miami and plan to bring samples to future events.

A bit more on the restoration: I'm fortunate to have friends in Cognac skilled in reviving ancient stills. One expert, Gaylor, dedicated 2,000 hours, armed with just a hammer and an anvil, to restore the Rockley still. His dedication is a blessing. He traveled to Barbados to reassemble it, and we're all overjoyed with the outcome.

RumX: We love intense rums with a strong character. You have often surprised the rum geeks at rum festivals with exciting samples - such as the Barbados High Ester Rum (Whisky Live Paris 2024) or the Hampden 1989 with 72% ABV (Instagram). Can you tell us more about it?

Alexandre: Absolutely, it's undeniable. I'm committed to this journey and irresistibly drawn to share the marvels of rum with those who cherish it as much as I do. So, rest assured, I will persist in hosting master classes to unveil these gems. We possess all the recipes for our distinct rums, which we've affectionately named the Hogo Monsters. For instance, at the Miami Rum Congress, I presented a Barbados High Ester rum that reached a 4,000 ester level. We sampled it alongside Don Ben, my esteemed partner and a highly skilled distiller, showcasing this extraordinary rum. Despite its high ester count, it retains the refined elegance characteristic of Barbados rums, which was truly remarkable.

And indeed, there are more unique releases to anticipate. For example, we've been collaborating with Paraguay for an extended period to develop a distinctive rum, Cáña Paraguaya. This rum is crafted using a local wood called Incienso, unique to the region. The process involves boiling the juice to extract not a syrup, but the frothy skimmings. This technique produces an exquisite rum distilled in small, 100% copper column stills—a genuine testament to beauty and craftsmanship, soon to be introduced under the Planteray label.

Furthermore, we've successfully reclaimed the Stade’s brand, a name traditionally governed by Barbados rum traders and now proudly overseen by the distillery. It's a privilege to pay tribute to Stade’s legacy. The brand is set to feature prominently, no longer merely a label adornment but a standalone symbol of quality. Among its forthcoming offerings is 'Jaws,' a pot still rum of exceptional caliber, poised for a limited release. This is just a hint of the exciting innovations awaiting from West Indies Rum Distillery.

The new Planteray rum is poured into a tasting glass

RumX: Are there any other news you’d like to share with the RumX community? 

Alexandre: There's quite a bit of exciting news to share! As you might already know, we are always innovating and creating a myriad of things at Planteray, which means we're constantly reinvesting in our passion. One of the big steps we've taken is opening up the West Indies Rum Distilleries to the public. This means anyone can come and experience our full-scale production, right in the heart of Barbados. Visitors can explore everything from the legendary Rockley still to our extensive archives, getting a real, hands-on feel for our craft. It's about showing the authentic side of our operations, not just the romantic notions often associated with rum making.

Over in Cognac, where I reside, we've opened the doors to the Bonbonnet Distillery, an experimental space where we've brought my dream distillery to life. Here, I've amassed and revitalized a collection of historical pot stills, some dating back to the 18th and 19th centuries, using them to craft unique rums. Additionally, we've revitalized wooden vat fermentation at West Indies Rum Distilleries, a technique we reintroduced five years ago that's now being used for both aging and fermenting, enhancing the rum's character through oxygenation.

Looking ahead to 2024, we're launching a book focused on Navy Rum, a project that's been thrilling to develop. It complements our ongoing research into alternative woods beyond oak, offering new perspectives and insights, which I'm also covering in a separate book dedicated to the art of blending, aimed at sharing my knowledge and maybe inspiring others, including my son.

And let's not forget about the 'renegade barrel' initiative from Maison Ferrand, where we've aged cognac in Barbados, infusing it with a unique character. This product, started in 2014 and now reaching its ten-year maturation, exemplifies our innovative spirit and commitment to creating exceptional spirits. So, there's plenty on the horizon for Planteray, and I'm thrilled to share these developments with you.

RumX: If you had to select three bottles to drink for the rest of your life, which ones would it be? 

Alexandre: This is the hardest question. If I had only three bottles for the rest of my life, I would die. They would be drunk really fast, and I wouldn't know which one to pick. I'm going to skip that question that way. I'm going to tell you, don't give me the bottles then. Give me a pot still. Give me barrels of wood and tools. I'm very handy. Put me on an island where we can grow a lot of things, and I'll make the juice, and I'll make friends, and we'll create a community. I will drink, and we'll toast together. I'd rather have that than just three bottles. Cheers.

A big thank you to Alexandre Gabriel for sharing his time and stories with us. It's clear he loves making rum and cares a lot about his work. With new drinks and ideas on the way, Planteray sounds like it's going to have an exciting future. We're looking forward to trying their new rums and seeing what else they'll create. Keep checking RumX for the latest news and fun facts about the world of rum. Cheers!

Join our giveaway!

Following our insightful interview with Alexandre Gabriel, we're thrilled to remind you about the exclusive Planteray masterclass - an opportunity not to be missed by any rum enthusiast. Here's your chance to delve deep into the world of Planteray, guided by Alexandre himself. Imagine the stories, the knowledge, and the flavors you'll experience, all from the comfort of your home.

Here's What You Need to Know:

Register Now: Ready to dive deeper into the world of Planteray rums? Make sure you've accumulated at least 1 RX point in your RumX app to qualify for this exclusive event. Remember, every RX point you've earned gives you a better chance to win as each point counts as a raffle ticket in the draw. The lucky 40 winners will be selected on March 24, 2024.

How to join: Open the latest version of the RumX app and click on your RumX loyalty card. There you will find a " Join lottery" section with a registration button to enter the lottery.

Télécharger l'application sur l'App Store Télécharger l'application sur Google Play

Taste Exceptional Rums: If you're among the winners, you'll receive a set of 8 remarkable 2cl Planteray rum samples, each selected for their outstanding quality:

  • RX18198 Plantation Fiji 2011 Marsala Finish Single Cask 2023
  • RX17789 Plantation EL Salvador 2015 Pineau Rouge Finish Single Cask 2023
  • RX17889 Plantation Barbados 10 years Arran Finish Single Cask 2023
  • RX17849 Plantation Guyana 2011 Big Peat Finish Single Cask 2023
  • RX17921 Plantation Belize 2015 Cherry Liqueur Finish Single Cask 2023
  • RX13104 Planteray Cut & Dry
  • RX17278 Plantation Sealander
  • Plus, an exclusive nerd surprise rum ( Hogo Monster ;) )!

Event Details:

  • Date & Time: The masterclass is scheduled for April 4, 2024, at 7 PM.
  • Host: Alexandre Gabriel, the mastermind behind Planteray, will host the session, sharing his expertise and passion.
  • Language: The masterclass will be conducted in English.
  • Eligibility: This event is open to all RumX app users of legal drinking age in Germany and Austria.

Don't miss this unique opportunity to engage directly with Alexandre Gabriel, ask questions, and learn about the intricacies of Planteray rums. Ensure you're available on the masterclass date and ready to embark on this extraordinary rum journey. We're eagerly looking forward to experiencing this special event with you!

Cheers and best of luck!