Alte Tabakstube (Stuttgart)

Il y a 4 rhums de Alte Tabakstube (Stuttgart) dans la base de données RumX.

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Les rhums les mieux notés de Alte Tabakstube (Stuttgart)

Short RumX logo18080

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumMartinique Grand Arôme


12 évaluations

Martinique Grand Arôme

Alte Tabakstube (Stuttgart) • Le Galion
58,8%   €€

Meilleure critique de cigares :

"RumX Awards 2023. Warm, heavy flavors with roasted, caramelized pineapple, overripe banana and acidity. Glue and woodiness and like a light acetone. The attack is lively but balanced, the palate less dark overall than the nose, with an astonishing background of persistent freshness. As the palate evolves, the wood becomes dominant but not disturbing. The length is prodigious, with wood, glue and a noble bitterness. At the very end, roasted pineapple and banana reappear, with a hint of pastry and old leather. A very fine rum, you feel carried away as an old galleon from another age when all ships were made of wood."

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