
Il y a 12 rhums de Barikenn dans la base de données RumX.

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Les rhums les mieux notés de Barikenn

Short RumX logo14219

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumJamaica ITP


42 évaluations

Jamaica ITP

Barikenn • Long Pond
2007   15yr   58,3%   €€

Meilleure critique de SaibotZtar :

"Wunderbar Fruchtig und Süß in der Nase... Überreife Banane, etwas Ananas,Pfirsich und zarte Esternoten. Ölig samtig im Mund .... Fruchtigkeit setzt sich hier fort... hier auch schön integrierte Fassnoten (Bitterstoffe,Holz) alles zusammen sehr stimmig . Alkohol extrem gut eingebunden , Blind hätte ich unter 50% getippt. Eigentlich mag ich diese Low Ester LP nicht unbedingt aber bei dieser Abfüllung fehlt mir das überhaupt nicht . Für mich das beste was ich bisher von Barikenn probiert habe. Heute im Mai Tai!! Absolut genial... eigentlich müsste ich ihm noch ein Paar Punkte mehr geben aber wir sind hier nicht in einer Cocktail ab . Starker Auftritt!!"

Short RumX logo12461

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumMadeira


33 évaluations


Barikenn • Engenho Novo
2016   6yr   53,4%   €€

Meilleure critique de Galli33 :

"#19th dec RumXCalendar Blind tasting: Nose: licorice, dark chocolate, coconut Mouth: caramel, coconut, roasted, dark chocolate, vanilla, barrel notes Finish: long, woody, roasted, barrel notes I enjoyed it, but couldn’t find any notes of the port wine cask :/ I think it should be from Antigua ca.60% 6 years of aging"

Short RumX logo7326

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumGuyana Diamond VSG


32 évaluations

Guyana Diamond VSG

Barikenn • Demerara Distillers Ltd
2012   8yr   58,9%   €€

Meilleure critique de Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰 :

"I love this rum because of its fruitiness and I have an extra backup on the shelf. The nose is really fruity with spices. The palate is lightly bitter, yet sweet and balanced. Fruity from the start with spices and oa with a hint of varnish. The finish is long and lightly bitter with roasted oak and caramel. Price to quality is very good. "

Short RumX logo9650

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumFiji FPBP


25 évaluations


Barikenn • South Pacific
2012   8yr   58,5%   €€

Meilleure critique de Rene Pfeiffer :

"Nose typical Fiji. Overripe banana, mineral to herbal. Slightly peppery. On the palate, first sweet, honey, then alcohol. The mineral follows again. Quite tasty."

Short RumX logo11098

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumMontebello Brut de colonne - Canne rouge


22 évaluations

Montebello Brut de colonne - Canne rouge

Barikenn • Carrere
2019   Unaged   81,6%   €€

Meilleure critique de Galli33 :

"Wow the 81% are integrated very well. Blind i would say approx. 60%. It‘s like a solid agricole with some crazy notes of artichokes. I see this more as a mixing rum than drink it straight. Very nice as a sample 🤓"

Short RumX logo1804

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumBarbados MBFS


21 évaluations

Barbados MBFS

Barikenn • Foursquare
2011   54,4%   €€

Meilleure critique de Vincent D :

"On the nose, it seems very sweet, fruity, with a hint of coconut. No doubt about its origin. On the palate, it's as fruity and sweet as ever. The coconut is very present. Cocoa on the finish. Not very long finish, with cocoa notes too. Very pleasant. 2nd tasting: very much in line with the first. Rather greedy and pleasant. Less fruity and spicier than the 1st tasting, but more gourmand. Very cool."

Short RumX logo9652

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumMauritius MCPA


17 évaluations

Mauritius MCPA

2013   7yr   53,6%   €€

Meilleure critique de Gunnar Böhme "Bauerngaumen" 🤓 :

"Typical rhum from the "waterfall distillery". 😉 Pleasant, sweet nose, slightly softer on the palate, but still drinkable, alcohol quite well integrated. Appears older. However, a normal Chamarel XO is unlikely to be any worse ..."

Short RumX logo12423

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumGuyana Diamond VSG


17 évaluations

Guyana Diamond VSG

Barikenn • Demerara Distillers Ltd
2012   10yr   62,3%   €€

Meilleure critique de TheRhumhoe :

"A rum from Guyana that starts with a nice nose full of fruits (pineapple, apple, peach and lemon), spices, wood and caramel that blend harmoniously. The palate is more brutal, turned to spices (chili pepper in particular), vanilla wood and a touch of bitterness that contrasts with the exuberance of the fruits on the nose. We also detect notes of licorice. The rum is dry but quite creamy in the mouth. The finish is medium long with the same bitter, licorice, wood, spice, caramel and vanilla notes. A contrasting rum but diverse in flavors."

Short RumX logo1122

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumJamaica Secret Distillery WPL


17 évaluations

Jamaica Secret Distillery WPL

2010   55%   €€

Meilleure critique de Vincent D :

"Nez classique chez WP : des fruits mûrs, de la banane, des esters. Une pointe d'acidité également. En bouche, l'alcool est très (trop?) présent. Il a laissé peu de place a l'expression des arômes pour moi. C'est fruité, pimenté. 2e dégustation : l'impression est meilleure que lors de la 1ere dégustation. Ce n'est pas le meilleur Jamaicain qu'il m'ait été donné de goûter mais après le Guyana de même embouteilleur, celui-ci passe mieux. Toujours une acidité pas très agréable. Mais j'apprécie plus le côté funky-fruité cette fois."

Short RumX logo14286

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumGuyana Diamond Port Mourant PM


15 évaluations

Guyana Diamond Port Mourant PM

Barikenn • Diamond
2012   10yr   51%   €€

Meilleure critique de lukasdrinkinghabits :

"For an uncolored 10 year old PM, this is surprisingly dark. There are 30 year olds with less color from the barrel. The nose is surprisingly soft and inviting for a young PM. Yes, a little rubber, a little salt, but all integrated into soft spices and pome fruit. The harmonious impression continues on the palate. Compared to the nose, the herbal aromas take up more space and the fruit is drier. The rum is generally very dry without developing too much astringency. The finish is rather unspectacular and quite hoppy and bitter. Despite all the harmony, the depth and complexity are somewhat lacking, but I've never tasted such an easy-drinking young PM before. Delicious."

Short RumX logo16347

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumAntilles Françaises


10 évaluations

Antilles Françaises

2017   6yr   57,5%   €€

Meilleure critique de Godspeed :

"Secret distillery my ass this is clearly J. Bally. Smashingly good rum btw and the price is a steal for a brut de fut Agricole of this quality. Only 111 bottles made so scoop it up if you see it."

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Short RumX logo14219

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumJamaica ITP


42 évaluations

Jamaica ITP

Barikenn • Long Pond
2007   15yr   58,3%   €€

Meilleure critique de SaibotZtar :

"Wunderbar Fruchtig und Süß in der Nase... Überreife Banane, etwas Ananas,Pfirsich und zarte Esternoten. Ölig samtig im Mund .... Fruchtigkeit setzt sich hier fort... hier auch schön integrierte Fassnoten (Bitterstoffe,Holz) alles zusammen sehr stimmig . Alkohol extrem gut eingebunden , Blind hätte ich unter 50% getippt. Eigentlich mag ich diese Low Ester LP nicht unbedingt aber bei dieser Abfüllung fehlt mir das überhaupt nicht . Für mich das beste was ich bisher von Barikenn probiert habe. Heute im Mai Tai!! Absolut genial... eigentlich müsste ich ihm noch ein Paar Punkte mehr geben aber wir sind hier nicht in einer Cocktail ab . Starker Auftritt!!"

Short RumX logo12461

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumMadeira


33 évaluations


Barikenn • Engenho Novo
2016   6yr   53,4%   €€

Meilleure critique de Galli33 :

"#19th dec RumXCalendar Blind tasting: Nose: licorice, dark chocolate, coconut Mouth: caramel, coconut, roasted, dark chocolate, vanilla, barrel notes Finish: long, woody, roasted, barrel notes I enjoyed it, but couldn’t find any notes of the port wine cask :/ I think it should be from Antigua ca.60% 6 years of aging"

Short RumX logo12423

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumGuyana Diamond VSG


17 évaluations

Guyana Diamond VSG

Barikenn • Demerara Distillers Ltd
2012   10yr   62,3%   €€

Meilleure critique de TheRhumhoe :

"A rum from Guyana that starts with a nice nose full of fruits (pineapple, apple, peach and lemon), spices, wood and caramel that blend harmoniously. The palate is more brutal, turned to spices (chili pepper in particular), vanilla wood and a touch of bitterness that contrasts with the exuberance of the fruits on the nose. We also detect notes of licorice. The rum is dry but quite creamy in the mouth. The finish is medium long with the same bitter, licorice, wood, spice, caramel and vanilla notes. A contrasting rum but diverse in flavors."

Short RumX logo14286

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumGuyana Diamond Port Mourant PM


15 évaluations

Guyana Diamond Port Mourant PM

Barikenn • Diamond
2012   10yr   51%   €€

Meilleure critique de lukasdrinkinghabits :

"For an uncolored 10 year old PM, this is surprisingly dark. There are 30 year olds with less color from the barrel. The nose is surprisingly soft and inviting for a young PM. Yes, a little rubber, a little salt, but all integrated into soft spices and pome fruit. The harmonious impression continues on the palate. Compared to the nose, the herbal aromas take up more space and the fruit is drier. The rum is generally very dry without developing too much astringency. The finish is rather unspectacular and quite hoppy and bitter. Despite all the harmony, the depth and complexity are somewhat lacking, but I've never tasted such an easy-drinking young PM before. Delicious."

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