By The Dutch

Il y a 6 rhums de By The Dutch dans la base de données RumX.

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Short RumX logo299

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumBatavia Arrack


80 évaluations

Batavia Arrack

By The Dutch
8yr   48%   €

Meilleure critique de Stefan Persson :

"This Indonesian rum is molasses based and distilled in pot stills. During the fermentation they use some red rice in the yeast. After distillation it’s aged in teak barrels before transported to the Netherlands where it’s transferred to oak barrels. The final blend consists of rum aged 8 months, 3, 5 and 8 years. The finish is medium long mostly depending on the alcohol content. I was expecting a lot more flavor of arrack and overall I think that everything is much too weak to catch my interest."

Short RumX logo3110

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumBatavia Arrack White


17 évaluations

Batavia Arrack White

By The Dutch
48%   €

Meilleure critique de crazyforgoodbooze :

"best white Batavia Arrack 🤙🏼 necessarily in arrackiri and various arrack based drinks try, but alone pure goes the thing already off like simultaneously mezcal, cachaca and Rhum Agricole!💥🙌"

Short RumX logo3310

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumBatavia Arrack PX Sherry


16 évaluations

Batavia Arrack PX Sherry

By The Dutch
8yr   59,5%   €€

Meilleure critique de crazyforgoodbooze :

"einfach nur geil. Alkohol extrem gut eingebunden. Sherry spürbar aber nicht zu dominant. arrack gibt schön den Ton an und das ganze einfach nur extrem smooth und funky!🤤 als würde man gebratenen Speck in Schokolade und Rosinen mit orientalischen Gewürzen wälzen... Hammer. Insbesondere Safran, grüne Paprika, Rosenwasser, Mandarinenschale und Kardamom sind dominant je öfter ich ihn probiere. Bin froh ne 2. Flasche zu haben. Außergewöhnlicher Stoff!"

Short RumX logo14552

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumBatavia Arrack Cognac Cask Finish


13 évaluations

Batavia Arrack Cognac Cask Finish

By The Dutch

Meilleure critique de Timo Groeger :

"Ganz in Ordnung dieser Rum. Hat für mich eine angenehme, süsse Nase aus Vanille. Geschmacklich dann auch leicht süss in Richtung Vanille. Mir persönlich schmeckt er aber zu sehr nach Alkohol, welcher nicht so gut eingebunden ist."

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Short RumX logo299

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumBatavia Arrack


80 évaluations

Batavia Arrack

By The Dutch
8yr   48%   €

Meilleure critique de Stefan Persson :

"This Indonesian rum is molasses based and distilled in pot stills. During the fermentation they use some red rice in the yeast. After distillation it’s aged in teak barrels before transported to the Netherlands where it’s transferred to oak barrels. The final blend consists of rum aged 8 months, 3, 5 and 8 years. The finish is medium long mostly depending on the alcohol content. I was expecting a lot more flavor of arrack and overall I think that everything is much too weak to catch my interest."

Short RumX logo3110

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumBatavia Arrack White


17 évaluations

Batavia Arrack White

By The Dutch
48%   €

Meilleure critique de crazyforgoodbooze :

"best white Batavia Arrack 🤙🏼 necessarily in arrackiri and various arrack based drinks try, but alone pure goes the thing already off like simultaneously mezcal, cachaca and Rhum Agricole!💥🙌"

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