Cave Guildive

Il y a 30 rhums de Cave Guildive dans la base de données RumX.

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Les rhums les mieux notés de Cave Guildive

Short RumX logo1865

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumBarbados Rum


44 évaluations

Barbados Rum

Cave Guildive • West Indies
2000   17yr   56%   €€€

Meilleure critique de Zucker und Zeste :

"It is less complex than the 86 bottlings and does not have such a pronounced honey note. Also you notice the shorter storage time, the alcohol is extremely good, but just a little worse integrated than in the two tested 86 bottlings. But a beautiful rum."

Short RumX logo10190

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumJamaica Rum (Clarendon)


43 évaluations

Jamaica Rum (Clarendon)

Cave Guildive • Clarendon
2007   14yr   68%   €€€

Meilleure critique de Jakob :

"Nicknamed "Stilton 2007"- takes some time to breathe, but then offers a fascinating combination of overripe fruit, wood, spices cheese. Sounds strange, tastes (to me) all the better for it. Completely own profile, which will certainly divide the tastes, but for me the basis for one of the - thanks to its uniqueness - best younger Clarendons up to here."

Short RumX logo3763

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumTrinidad Rum HTR


40 évaluations

Trinidad Rum HTR

Cave Guildive • Caroni
1998   20yr   61%   €€€€

Meilleure critique de cigares :

"A very successful bottling from Swiss Guildive. A classic 1998 with Caroni machine shop markers but counterbalanced by fruit aromas and cooked pineapple in particular. An alcoholic nose at first, but the pineapple and the dirty side are there immediately afterwards. A little smokiness on the palate, still with fruit and tire. A very long, velvety, elegant finish with chocolate. Still available from Guildive at a fair price for a Caroni of this class... a little below the 1996 Caroni all the same. Much better than the Caroni Adelphi in direct comparison."

Short RumX logo673

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumJamaica Rum


36 évaluations

Jamaica Rum

Cave Guildive • New Yarmouth
2005   12yr   68%   €€€

Meilleure critique de crazyforgoodbooze :

"100% new Yarmouth DNA. an der Nase kommt direkt brutal viel Zitrus wie Mandarine zur Geltung! einfach nur geil, mit etwas mehr frische und mehr tropischen Früchten als die anderen 2 NY aus dem Jahrgang aber der prägnante keksteig ist noch da, wenn auch etwas mehr im Hintergrund wie bei den anderen 2 NY des gleichen Jahrgangs 🤤❤️ insgesamt empfind ich diesen hier als sehr winterlich mit Mandarine, Makronen und Ingwerplätzchen Noten. sehr geil auf jeden Fall! absolut auf Augenhöhe mit SBS und CDI und Tagesform Abhängig welcher einem da am besten schmeckt. jeder hat seine Vorzüge!😅"

Short RumX logo3280

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumDemerara Rum MEV


35 évaluations

Demerara Rum MEV

Cave Guildive • Enmore
1990   25yr   58%   €€€

Meilleure critique de Tschusikowsky :

"Very dense and multi-layered. Very smoky at the beginning, almost too firmly charred. The intensity overwhelmed me at the beginning (one-dimensional). Much more aromas are added later. Explosive on the palate. The increased ABV is noticeable in the taste, but is not perfectly integrated."

Short RumX logo10189

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumTrinidad Rum


34 évaluations

Trinidad Rum

Cave Guildive • Ten Cane
2012   9yr   60%   €€€

Meilleure critique de Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰 :

"This was a very surprising rum to give a go. Very fruity from nose to finish and also with a wooden touch all the way. What I like a both this particular rum is the way it changes from nose to palate and then again to the finish. It does so and still maintains a very high level of integrity. The smoky wood flavours on the palate and finish really puts this one up there with the top shelf ones. Sad that Ten Cane is history because they could really make unique flavours."

Short RumX logo1717

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumFiji Rum


23 évaluations

Fiji Rum

Cave Guildive • South Pacific
2001   15yr   58%   €€€

Meilleure critique de cigares :

"Dégustation rhum et chocolat du Rum Club Switzerland et RumX Community Tasting Fiji 2001. Exactement la même note. Un nez de fruits tropicaux et de bois verni, du végétal et des bois jeunes. L’entrée de bouche est ample, facile et complexe avec du cèdre et des fruits jaunes. La finale est belle avec du végétal, du cèdre et des fruits mais un brin courte, on aimerait garder ces arômes plus longtemps. Un rhum qui semble facile d’accès et qui possède une belle complexité. De tes beaux arômes dans le verre vide."

Short RumX logo10192

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumBarbados Rum


20 évaluations

Barbados Rum

Cave Guildive • Foursquare
2005   15yr   60%   €€€

Meilleure critique de Mirco :

"Sehr guter Foursquare eines unabhängigen Abfüllers. Gratulation an Cave Guildive für die Auswahl. Finde die Abfüllung ziemlich komplex. Die Zimt, Nuss (Kokos) und Vanille Note gefällt mir besonders."

Short RumX logo1387

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumMarie Galante Rum


20 évaluations

Marie Galante Rum

Cave Guildive • Bielle
2008   9yr   55%   €€€

Meilleure critique de cigares :

"The nose is vegetal (rhubarb) and agricultural, with banana and other tropical fruits. On the palate, the attack is rather weak, like a hollow, then the aromas arrive with lime, bitter almond and caramel. The finish is fine and rather long, with fruit and vegetal notes. Another fine rum from Swiss bottler Guildive. When the glass is empty, a lot of smokiness and vegetal notes remain."

Short RumX logo4629

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumAustralia Rum


18 évaluations

Australia Rum

Cave Guildive
2007   12yr   64%   €€€

Meilleure critique de crazyforgoodbooze :

"wow! referenz Australien single cask für mich ab jetzt. Orangenschale und Orangenblüten, sowie grüne Trauben, Eukalyptus, Mandarine und weißer Tee an der nase. Geschmacklich extrem rund und mild und harmonisch. Rye Whisky Noten, sehr "Getreidig" trocken, an kirsche und Bratapfel Aromen erinnernd, dazu wieder diese gigantische Frische von Eukalyptus und Australische Finger limes/grapefruit und Mandarine, etwas Kakao, geröstete Mandeln, Mandel Makronen und im Abgang geht das ganze dann mehr Richtung Harz, Orangenblütenhonig und Traubengelee mit leichten Fass-Noten über. gigantisch gut! PS: Sven Wolters (Rum rarities)hat gesagt schmeckt nach links rausgedrehtem Koala Ohrenschmalz 😃"

Short RumX logo1117

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumJamaica Rum <>H


17 évaluations

Jamaica Rum <>H

Cave Guildive • Hampden
1993   23yr   61%   €€€€

Meilleure critique de Tschusikowsky :

"A symphony!🎶 A phenomenal Hampden! Happy that I was allowed to taste something from it🤩🥰Bottle is now unfortunately empty🥹🙃"

Short RumX logo18238

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumGuyana Rum VSG


16 évaluations

Guyana Rum VSG

Cave Guildive • Versailles
2012   11yr   59%   €€

Meilleure critique de cigares :

"Tasting at J. B. Labat. A full nose of nutty butter, molasses, young leather, prunes and spices. Heavy, dark aromas on the palate with molasses, brown sugar and bitter caramel. The aromas tend to evolve on the palate, which is very interesting, as the bitterness and spice strengthen and disappear in turn. The finish is long but too one-dimensional, with bitter coffee and heavy but not overpowering oak. A very fine release from the Guildive cellar."

Short RumX logo1808

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumNicaragua Rum


14 évaluations

Nicaragua Rum

Cave Guildive • Secrete
2004   13yr   66%   €€€

Meilleure critique de Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰 :

"Pretty good release and I really like the roasted and nutty notes. Pretty good balance between fruits and spice."

Short RumX logo9261

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumGuadeloupe Rum


13 évaluations

Guadeloupe Rum

Cave Guildive • ReimonenQ
2012   6yr   54%   €€€

Meilleure critique de Tschusikowsky :

"Ein sehr guter Rum. Für die Volumenprozent und Reimonenq sehr geschmeidig, ausgewogen und süffig. Das Fiji Finish hat definitiv was mit dem Produkt gemacht. Wobei ich das reguläre Reimonenq Profil ein wenig bevorzuge."

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Short RumX logo1865

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumBarbados Rum


44 évaluations

Barbados Rum

Cave Guildive • West Indies
2000   17yr   56%   €€€

Meilleure critique de Zucker und Zeste :

"It is less complex than the 86 bottlings and does not have such a pronounced honey note. Also you notice the shorter storage time, the alcohol is extremely good, but just a little worse integrated than in the two tested 86 bottlings. But a beautiful rum."

Short RumX logo10190

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumJamaica Rum (Clarendon)


43 évaluations

Jamaica Rum (Clarendon)

Cave Guildive • Clarendon
2007   14yr   68%   €€€

Meilleure critique de Jakob :

"Nicknamed "Stilton 2007"- takes some time to breathe, but then offers a fascinating combination of overripe fruit, wood, spices cheese. Sounds strange, tastes (to me) all the better for it. Completely own profile, which will certainly divide the tastes, but for me the basis for one of the - thanks to its uniqueness - best younger Clarendons up to here."

Short RumX logo3763

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumTrinidad Rum HTR


40 évaluations

Trinidad Rum HTR

Cave Guildive • Caroni
1998   20yr   61%   €€€€

Meilleure critique de cigares :

"A very successful bottling from Swiss Guildive. A classic 1998 with Caroni machine shop markers but counterbalanced by fruit aromas and cooked pineapple in particular. An alcoholic nose at first, but the pineapple and the dirty side are there immediately afterwards. A little smokiness on the palate, still with fruit and tire. A very long, velvety, elegant finish with chocolate. Still available from Guildive at a fair price for a Caroni of this class... a little below the 1996 Caroni all the same. Much better than the Caroni Adelphi in direct comparison."

Short RumX logo3280

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumDemerara Rum MEV


35 évaluations

Demerara Rum MEV

Cave Guildive • Enmore
1990   25yr   58%   €€€

Meilleure critique de Tschusikowsky :

"Very dense and multi-layered. Very smoky at the beginning, almost too firmly charred. The intensity overwhelmed me at the beginning (one-dimensional). Much more aromas are added later. Explosive on the palate. The increased ABV is noticeable in the taste, but is not perfectly integrated."

Short RumX logo10189

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumTrinidad Rum


34 évaluations

Trinidad Rum

Cave Guildive • Ten Cane
2012   9yr   60%   €€€

Meilleure critique de Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰 :

"This was a very surprising rum to give a go. Very fruity from nose to finish and also with a wooden touch all the way. What I like a both this particular rum is the way it changes from nose to palate and then again to the finish. It does so and still maintains a very high level of integrity. The smoky wood flavours on the palate and finish really puts this one up there with the top shelf ones. Sad that Ten Cane is history because they could really make unique flavours."

Short RumX logo10192

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumBarbados Rum


20 évaluations

Barbados Rum

Cave Guildive • Foursquare
2005   15yr   60%   €€€

Meilleure critique de Mirco :

"Sehr guter Foursquare eines unabhängigen Abfüllers. Gratulation an Cave Guildive für die Auswahl. Finde die Abfüllung ziemlich komplex. Die Zimt, Nuss (Kokos) und Vanille Note gefällt mir besonders."

Short RumX logo1387

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumMarie Galante Rum


20 évaluations

Marie Galante Rum

Cave Guildive • Bielle
2008   9yr   55%   €€€

Meilleure critique de cigares :

"The nose is vegetal (rhubarb) and agricultural, with banana and other tropical fruits. On the palate, the attack is rather weak, like a hollow, then the aromas arrive with lime, bitter almond and caramel. The finish is fine and rather long, with fruit and vegetal notes. Another fine rum from Swiss bottler Guildive. When the glass is empty, a lot of smokiness and vegetal notes remain."

Short RumX logo4629

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumAustralia Rum


18 évaluations

Australia Rum

Cave Guildive
2007   12yr   64%   €€€

Meilleure critique de crazyforgoodbooze :

"wow! referenz Australien single cask für mich ab jetzt. Orangenschale und Orangenblüten, sowie grüne Trauben, Eukalyptus, Mandarine und weißer Tee an der nase. Geschmacklich extrem rund und mild und harmonisch. Rye Whisky Noten, sehr "Getreidig" trocken, an kirsche und Bratapfel Aromen erinnernd, dazu wieder diese gigantische Frische von Eukalyptus und Australische Finger limes/grapefruit und Mandarine, etwas Kakao, geröstete Mandeln, Mandel Makronen und im Abgang geht das ganze dann mehr Richtung Harz, Orangenblütenhonig und Traubengelee mit leichten Fass-Noten über. gigantisch gut! PS: Sven Wolters (Rum rarities)hat gesagt schmeckt nach links rausgedrehtem Koala Ohrenschmalz 😃"

Short RumX logo1808

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumNicaragua Rum


14 évaluations

Nicaragua Rum

Cave Guildive • Secrete
2004   13yr   66%   €€€

Meilleure critique de Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰 :

"Pretty good release and I really like the roasted and nutty notes. Pretty good balance between fruits and spice."

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