Gleann Mor Spirits Company

Il y a 8 rhums de Gleann Mor Spirits Company dans la base de données RumX.

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Les rhums les mieux notés de Gleann Mor Spirits Company

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Image of the front of the bottle of the rumLeith Stillroom Single Cask Rum


19 évaluations

Leith Stillroom Single Cask Rum

Gleann Mor Spirits Company • Bellevue
1998   21yr   58,6%   €€

Meilleure critique de Frank :

"A beautiful old Guadeloupe with a rich nose and a powerful yet balanced palate.Nose: intense and concentrated, spicy and fruity at the same time. Ripe lemon, kumquat and black currant bring sweet and sour freshness, blackberry and date heavy sweetness. Fragrant wood comes through now as well, accompanied by vanilla, caramel and some cream toffee. Slightly smoky at the back. Has something of port. 87Palate: concentrated, compact yet round and balanced. Spicy-fruity-woody. Hard to pin down. A mix of light lovage, currant but also something like brioche and caramel. Also seems creamy. Roasted nuts and soft licorice out the back. Interesting and tasty. 89The heavy molasses profile from Guadeloupe really appeals to me."

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Image of the front of the bottle of the rumAurum No. 4


16 évaluations

Aurum No. 4

Gleann Mor Spirits Company • Diamond
2002   17yr   51,8%   €€

Meilleure critique de DomM :

"Vertical PM tasting: 89 / 95 /97 / 97 (cognac finish) / 02 / 05 / 13: Nose: Continental fruit basket is very present alongside some sweetness. Palate: nice PM markers. Some citrus-y notes and grapefruit. Nicely balanced. Feels a bit thin (watered down) though."

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