Hamburg Distilling Company HDC GmbH

Il y a 4 rhums de Hamburg Distilling Company HDC GmbH dans la base de données RumX.

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Les rhums les mieux notés de Hamburg Distilling Company HDC GmbH

Short RumX logo7708

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumRon Piet 10 Years Small Batch XO Premium Rum


49 évaluations

Ron Piet 10 Years Small Batch XO Premium Rum

Hamburg Distilling Company HDC GmbH • San Miguelito
10yr   40%   €

Meilleure critique de Martin Augustin :

"A sweet and watery rum. No special notes emerge. Alcoholic despite a meagre 40%. A nice gift"

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Short RumX logo7708

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumRon Piet 10 Years Small Batch XO Premium Rum


49 évaluations

Ron Piet 10 Years Small Batch XO Premium Rum

Hamburg Distilling Company HDC GmbH • San Miguelito
10yr   40%   €

Meilleure critique de Martin Augustin :

"A sweet and watery rum. No special notes emerge. Alcoholic despite a meagre 40%. A nice gift"

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