Hebridean Liqueur Company

Il y a 3 rhums de Hebridean Liqueur Company dans la base de données RumX.

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Les rhums les mieux notés de Hebridean Liqueur Company

Short RumX logo1619

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumAncient Mariner Navy Rum HTR


13 évaluations

Ancient Mariner Navy Rum HTR

Hebridean Liqueur Company • Caroni
1995   16yr   54%   €€€

Meilleure critique de cigares :

"A rare 1995 Caroni still available in England for a very good price. The nose is a silky mix of tropical fruit and rubber with a brown sugar/caramel edge. The palate is soft, with lots of fruit and little machine shop. A far cry from the 1997s, very close to the 1996s in fact, with a real balance of all the Caroni aromas. A rum with broad, deep aromas but with great drinkability thanks to a very fine integration of the alcohol. In the same vein as 2002's Gran Torino, but despite a higher ABV, the Gran Torino has a better integration of ink alcohol. I love it and recommend it!"

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Short RumX logo1619

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumAncient Mariner Navy Rum HTR


13 évaluations

Ancient Mariner Navy Rum HTR

Hebridean Liqueur Company • Caroni
1995   16yr   54%   €€€

Meilleure critique de cigares :

"A rare 1995 Caroni still available in England for a very good price. The nose is a silky mix of tropical fruit and rubber with a brown sugar/caramel edge. The palate is soft, with lots of fruit and little machine shop. A far cry from the 1997s, very close to the 1996s in fact, with a real balance of all the Caroni aromas. A rum with broad, deep aromas but with great drinkability thanks to a very fine integration of the alcohol. In the same vein as 2002's Gran Torino, but despite a higher ABV, the Gran Torino has a better integration of ink alcohol. I love it and recommend it!"

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