High Spirits Collection

Il y a 47 rhums de High Spirits Collection dans la base de données RumX.

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Les rhums les mieux notés de High Spirits Collection

Short RumX logo14886

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumDemerara Rum


21 évaluations

Demerara Rum

High Spirits Collection • Diamond (Port Mourant)
2001   20yr   47,7%   €€€

Meilleure critique de Mirko Frosini 🇮🇪 :

"A great full-bodied (though low) excellently balanced rum. On the nose fruity, balsamic (resins, conifers), woody and a light note of citrus.On the palate initially the balsamic and fruity part is felt to later leave the scene to a balanced roastiness and coffee that accompanies us to the finish with woody and lychee notes.An interesting rum for those who love the balance of aromas. The low alcohol content in this case is not very noticeable a sign of a well managed abv.At the price of 150 euros it seems to me a good deal. By looking it is still possible to find very good rums without the shadow of speculation, as unfortunately happens on many Velier bottlings (also of dubious quality) that when they come out are already sold out or at inadequate prices because they are sold in parallel to a host of collectors (see Papalin arrived in not even a week at twice the price)."

Short RumX logo6982

Image of the front of the bottle of the rum1974


16 évaluations


High Spirits Collection • Port Mourant
1974   59,1%

Meilleure critique de Jakob :

"Heavy, oily, elegant. Fascinating complexity: leather, tobacco, wood, plum, perfectly integrated sweetness and alcohol...and so much more. Inspiringly complex, sheer opulence. This is simply outstanding quality."

Short RumX logo4294

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumGluGlu2000 Whisky Club


15 évaluations

GluGlu2000 Whisky Club

High Spirits Collection • Port Mourant
1997   22yr   49,4%   €€€

Meilleure critique de Lukas Jäger :

"In der Nase erst sehr Kräutrig mit einer leichten Süße und einem Einschlag von Marzipan. Am Gaumen eher holzig-röstig und ins medizinisch-gehende (Jod?). PM eben. Insgesamt sehr lecker und trinkbar, der Abgang bleibt lange und adstringent zurück. Mit etwas mehr Prozenten wäre vielleicht ein noch intensiveres Geschmackserlebnis vorhanden, wobei dann wohl der Alkohol zu prominent wäre. Insgesamt eine sehr gute Abfüllung."

Short RumX logo6636

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumFine Old Demerara Rum


13 évaluations

Fine Old Demerara Rum

High Spirits Collection • Port Mourant
1975   32yr   52%   €€€€

Meilleure critique de Johannes :

"Very high level, compared to the Velier rounder, fruitier, a little less power and complexity."

Short RumX logo6005

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumDemerara Rum


12 évaluations

Demerara Rum

High Spirits Collection • Uitvlugt
1998   18yr   58%   €€€

Meilleure critique de Johannes :

"Little flavor, lots of neutral alcohol, alcohol not well integrated."

Short RumX logo12017

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumMagnum


11 évaluations


High Spirits Collection • Enmore
1971   54%

Meilleure critique de Jakob :

"Great theater - old Demerara in grandiose opulence. On the nose and palate with an oily texture, heavy molasses sweetness, smokiness and dry fruits, which are more restrained in the other well-known vintages of the 70s Demeraras. Either way, it remains a great pleasure."

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