Keeling & Son

Il y a 1 rhums de Keeling & Son dans la base de données RumX.

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Les rhums les mieux notés de Keeling & Son

Short RumX logo2613

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumOld Demerara Rum


16 évaluations

Old Demerara Rum

Keeling & Son • Diamond
45%   €€€

Meilleure critique de Gunnar Böhme "Bauerngaumen" 🤓 :

"When you are already an old man and are allowed to taste a rum that is even older ... Just opening the tarnished screw cap (!) was an adventure (and a feat of strength). A lovely grape scent hits you after opening, and this impression continues on the palate, albeit not quite as strong due to the ABV of only 45%, which was common at the time. But the alcohol is very well integrated and allows the rum to develop its full fruity aroma even after more than 60 years. This rum is like an essence. A dream from another world."

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