Precious Liquors

Il y a 25 rhums de Precious Liquors dans la base de données RumX.

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Les rhums les mieux notés de Precious Liquors

Short RumX logo10204

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumMalt, Grain & Cane for Bar Lamp Ginza and Rum & Whisky Kyoto


46 évaluations

Malt, Grain & Cane for Bar Lamp Ginza and Rum & Whisky Kyoto

Precious Liquors • New Yarmouth
1994   26yr   67,9%   €€€€

Meilleure critique de Thunderbird :

"Dieser New Yarmouth von PL ist deutlich präsenter und kräftiger als derLime House. Die Aromen sind intensiver und dadurch erscheint er auch komplexer. Um ganz in die Spitze zu gelangen, fehlt mir noch etwas Frucht. Ansonsten ein weiterer sehr guter Vertreter der 94er NY"

Short RumX logo12183

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumLime House


39 évaluations

Lime House

Precious Liquors • New Yarmouth
1994   27yr   57,1%   €€€€

Meilleure critique de zabo :

"Edit: For me, this is one of the best 94s. A real pleasure The following 94 New Yarmouths were in the blind tasting glass The preliminary result 1ST RX10164 2. RX12050 3. RX12183 4. RX10531 5. RX16026 6. RX10419 7. RX13113 8. RX10167 9. RX15643 10. RX10204 11. RX12556 12. RX12841 13. RX9617 14. RX1563 15. RX16027 16. RX12161 17. RX13824 18. RX6983"

Short RumX logo13870

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumJamaican Rum


34 évaluations

Jamaican Rum

Precious Liquors • Long Pond
2001   21yr   51%   €€€

Meilleure critique de SaibotZtar :

"Wonderful fruity nose delicious marzipan notes ... Ester clearly present but perfectly matching the rum. Woodiness very subtle on the nose. On the palate Slightly oily in the mouth . Alcohol very well integrated... At first it seems a little thin, but this is put into perspective as it lingers in the mouth and develops into a delicious fruity marzipan, pineapple and mango compote that you eat with a wooden spoon 😛😛😉 Great LP !!!"

Short RumX logo13908

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumJamaican Rum


28 évaluations

Jamaican Rum

Precious Liquors • Clarendon
2004   17yr   57,1%   €€€

Meilleure critique de DomM :

"Very nice 2004 Clarendon. Tropical aging adds depth and tropical fruits. The slight reduction in ABV is to point, not making the rum feel diluted but puts it at an excellent drinking strength. Very nice cask of the vintage."

Short RumX logo13091

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumJamaican Rum


26 évaluations

Jamaican Rum

Precious Liquors • Clarendon
1995   26yr   57,1%   €€€

Meilleure critique de cigares :

"Un rhum dégusté au GRF en 2024. Un nez extrêmement riche, presque balsamique avec des pruneaux, des fruits mûrs, des fruits compotés mais aussi avec du végétal et même du menthol qui rafraîchit le tout. L’attaque en bouche est plutôt douce puis les arômes montent en puissance. Comme au nez, un incroyable équilibre entre les arômes sombres et le menthol. La finale est super longue, élégante avec un bois et un alcool très bien intégrés. Un très grand rhum, en finesse et en équilibre. Je l’ai aimé et j’ai même acheté une bouteille."

Short RumX logo17105

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumBlack Cat REV


20 évaluations

Black Cat REV

Precious Liquors • Enmore
1994   29yr   49,2%

Meilleure critique de cigares :

"Un rhum dégusté au GRF en 2024. Un nez intéressant, boisé et rôti avec une touche de menthol qui équilibre et rafraîchit le tout. En bouche l’arôme de vieux bois verni domine les notes de rôti et de fruits secs. La finale est trop courte pour un rhum de cette classe. Mais le vieux bois persiste très longtemps. Un rhum indubitablement bon mais qui me déçoit un peu. Il raconte pourtant une belle histoire de vieux bateau de la marine à voile, à la dérive et abandonné par l’équipage"

Short RumX logo11831

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumTortuga No. 2 (East Asia Whisky)


18 évaluations

Tortuga No. 2 (East Asia Whisky)

Precious Liquors • Caroni
1998   23yr   59,9%   €€€€

Meilleure critique de Oliver :

"Quite an atypical nose for a Caroni. Lots of vanilla, bourbon and nuts are added to the (rather more subtle) Caroni notes. Very accessible on the palate. A little lacking in depth for a top rating. Very well integrated alcohol."

Short RumX logo18083

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumQueen Nanny ITP


18 évaluations

Queen Nanny ITP

Precious Liquors • Long Pond
2007   15yr   57,1%

Meilleure critique de zabo :

"Very nice Long Pond ITP, for me still a bit on the wild side. It has a nice power on the palate. I would have expected a little less for the price, but was very pleasantly surprised."

Short RumX logo19261

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumHouse of Cane Jamaica Pure Single Rum <>H


16 évaluations

House of Cane Jamaica Pure Single Rum <>H

Precious Liquors • Hampden
2013   10yr   58,8%   €€€

Meilleure critique de DomM :

"From the freshly opened bottle, the rum starts off with intense funkiness. Very heavy on the glue and nail polish side of noses. With some time to breath it opens up end presents a nice Hampden nose. Grilled pineapple, some roasted notes and some almond paste mingling with the chemical notes as well as a sensation of freshness akin to fruit acid. Young <>Hs do work really well in book. Same on the palate: I just like this profile at this moderate age and this bottling is a good one of the vintage imo. Very rich on the palate with all the good stuff. Fruits, wood, roasted almonds and some sweetness. While intense, the chemical and glue-y notes are much less pronounced compared to the nose. Delightful stuff."

Short RumX logo17104

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumWhite Cat


16 évaluations

White Cat

Precious Liquors • Diamond
1996   28yr   53,3%

Meilleure critique de Basti :

"Messebewertung. Gefällt mir richtig gut. Sehr rundes/zugängliches Profil mit Gewürzen, Karamell, Kokosnuss, trop. und getrockneten Früchten und Karamell. Alkohol ist sehr gut eingebunden. Angenehme Süße."

Short RumX logo20075

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumDNC Do Not Collect EMB


15 évaluations

DNC Do Not Collect EMB

Precious Liquors • Clarendon
2004   19yr   59,8%

Meilleure critique de DomM :

"Basket of continental fruits. Strong influence from the cask with vanilla and caramel notes."

Short RumX logo20090

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumDNC Do Not Collect


14 évaluations

DNC Do Not Collect

Precious Liquors • Uitvlugt (Port Mourant)
1998   26yr   50%

Meilleure critique de zabo :

"Erstmal vielen Dank an Maria von precious liquors für das free sample. Wie man es schon erwartet wieder eine gelungene Abfüllung von denen. Über den Preis kann man sich streiten, aber es hat einfach Qualität was immer wieder in die Flasche kommt."

Short RumX logo18086

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumJamaican Rum (Bottled for the Auld Alliance) LROK


14 évaluations

Jamaican Rum (Bottled for the Auld Alliance) LROK

Precious Liquors • Hampden
2000   22yr   48,6%   €€€

Meilleure critique de zabo :

"Verkostet bei Marta am Precious Liquors Stand am GRF 2024. Die typischen Merkmale eines LROK sind klar erkennbar und liefert ab, was er soll. Der Alkohol ist nicht wahrnehmbar, was vermutlich am niedrigen ABV liegt, dass ihm eine höhere Wertung verbaut. Alles in allem aber gut süffig."

Short RumX logo10919

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumTortuga No. 1 (East Asia Whisky)


13 évaluations

Tortuga No. 1 (East Asia Whisky)

Precious Liquors • Caroni
1998   22yr   66%   €€€€

Meilleure critique de Oliver :

"Very pleasant and approachable nose. The typical Caroni notes are joined by a great caramel marshmallow note. Nice spice and intensity on the palate. But almost a touch too biting. It becomes more elegant with a bit of dilution."

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Short RumX logo19261

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumHouse of Cane Jamaica Pure Single Rum <>H


16 évaluations

House of Cane Jamaica Pure Single Rum <>H

Precious Liquors • Hampden
2013   10yr   58,8%   €€€

Meilleure critique de DomM :

"From the freshly opened bottle, the rum starts off with intense funkiness. Very heavy on the glue and nail polish side of noses. With some time to breath it opens up end presents a nice Hampden nose. Grilled pineapple, some roasted notes and some almond paste mingling with the chemical notes as well as a sensation of freshness akin to fruit acid. Young <>Hs do work really well in book. Same on the palate: I just like this profile at this moderate age and this bottling is a good one of the vintage imo. Very rich on the palate with all the good stuff. Fruits, wood, roasted almonds and some sweetness. While intense, the chemical and glue-y notes are much less pronounced compared to the nose. Delightful stuff."

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