Rum Exchange

Il y a 14 rhums de Rum Exchange dans la base de données RumX.

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Les rhums les mieux notés de Rum Exchange

Ron Cristóbal Santa Maria Moscatel Finish

Rum Exchange
RX11645   2007   14yr   46%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumRon Cristóbal Santa Maria Moscatel Finish
7.9/10 (21)


Rum Exchange • Travellers
RX2198   2009   10yr   60,8%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rum#003
7.9/10 (18)

Meilleure critique de Stefan Persson :

"It’s a Traditional Single Cask Rum from Travellers bottled by Rum Exchange. It’s distilled 2009 and bottled in just 252 bottles in 2019. It’s the best rum I’ve tasted from Belize so far. Aromas and flavors is spicy, woody and sweet."


Rum Exchange • Port Mourant
RX1770   2008   11yr   59%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rum#004
7.8/10 (17)

Meilleure critique de Stefan Persson :

"This is a Pure Single Rum and I once again found out that unblended rum from PM isn’t my bag, but I always like it as a part of a blend. For those of you that like PM as a Pure Single Rum is this one a really good buy and good value for money."


Rum Exchange • Worthy Park
RX370   2013   5yr   59%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rum#002
7.7/10 (15)

Meilleure critique de Maarten Leewis 🇳🇱 :

"It started my love for Worthy Park"


Rum Exchange • Hampden
RX654   2013   5yr   61,5%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rum#001
7.6/10 (29)

Meilleure critique de Oliver :

"Sombre, épicé et crémeux. La finale apporte de la profondeur au Hampden et rappelle un pagos. L'alcool n'est pas idéalement intégré, d'où une légère déduction. Sinon, une mise en bouteille passionnante !"

Ron Cristóbal Santa Maria Oloroso

Rum Exchange
RX7849   14yr   46%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumRon Cristóbal Santa Maria Oloroso
7.6/10 (21)

Meilleure critique de Andi :

"kurz und knapp: süß und holzig mit leichten würzigen, fruchtigen Noten. Nachtrag: Foto"

Ron Cristóbal Niña

Rum Exchange • Alcoholes Finos Dominicanos
RX341   12yr   40%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumRon Cristóbal Niña
7.1/10 (68)

Meilleure critique de Stefan Persson :

"This rum is produced by Alcoholes Finos Dominicanos and the brand is owned by the Danish company 1423 Worldclass Spirits. If I should like a sweet rum it must be more complex and be bottled at an higher ABV to balance the sweetness. Overall it’s a very kind but dull rum in my opinion."

Ron Cristóbal Pinta

Rum Exchange
RX2333   8yr   40%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumRon Cristóbal Pinta
7.0/10 (87)

Meilleure critique de Johannes :

"Le goût est un peu sucré, mais l'alcool est bien intégré !"

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