Rum Shark

Il y a 61 rhums de Rum Shark dans la base de données RumX.

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Les rhums les mieux notés de Rum Shark


Rum Shark • Hampden
RX8452   2005   15yr   69%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rum2005
8.7/10 (28)

Community opinion:

"Un rhum jamaïcain funky, complexe et élégant."


Rum Shark • Caroni
RX11710   1991   30yr   62,9%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rum1991
8.4/10 (33)

Community opinion:

"Caroni doux : léger, chocolaté et chaud."

Ten Cane 2008

Rum Shark • Ten Cane
RX22030   2008   16yr   62%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumTen Cane 2008
8.4/10 (30)

Meilleure critique de Martin Švojgr :

"Zajímavý technický rum z uzavřené destilerie TenCane dříve vlastněné LVMH (Moet Hennessy). Hned po přivonění mi vůně evokuje těžké červené víno, koňak, koření, spálený med. V chuťi vystupuje opět spálený med, červené ovoce, těžké koření, drsné červené víno. Vše zaobelené technickými tóny, které vystupují spíše v závěru."

Caroni 1989

Rum Shark • Caroni
RX14394   1989   33yr   58,3%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumCaroni 1989
8.4/10 (29)

Community opinion:

"Un trésor rare et complexe de Caroni qui mérite d'être dégusté."

Clarendon 2007

Rum Shark • Clarendon
RX22040   2007   17yr   60,8%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumClarendon 2007
8.4/10 (27)

Meilleure critique de Martin Švojgr :

"Tak tohle se RumSharku povedlo. Krásný technický Clarendon. Není to vyloženě technická maximalita jako NROJ sada, ale příjemná řekl bych sametová technicita doplněna sílou ředidla, tropického ovoce, čokolády, černého čaje, spáleného dřeva. V závěru odejdou ostatní chutě a objeví se ryzí technicita a síla alkoholu. Jo, tohle mi chutná!"

Jamaica Single Cask Selection

Rum Shark • Appleton Estate
RX13840   2008   14yr   59,3%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumJamaica Single Cask Selection
8.3/10 (39)

Community opinion:

"Une complexité jamaïcaine audacieuse et fruitée."

Single Vintage

Rum Shark • Travellers
RX11748   2006   15yr   65,60%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumSingle Vintage
8.3/10 (35)

Meilleure critique de Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰 :

"17.05.2022 Sampling at home. Notes Medium dark in colour. Nose Light wood, sweet, fruity, light caramel, light chocolate, citrus. Palate Oily, light roasted wood, naturally sweet, fruits, citrus, light chocolate, spice, faint coffee. Finish Medium to long, warm, oily, light wood, fruits, light coffee, light chocolate."

Single Vintage

Rum Shark • Travellers
RX11749   2008   13yr   69,7%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumSingle Vintage
8.3/10 (31)

Meilleure critique de Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰 :

"27.08.2022 Going through samples at home. Notes Medium to dark in colour. Nose Fresh, wood, light coffee, light chocolate,, faint marzipan, banana, light roasted, light citrus. Palate Light oily, wood, light roasted, naturally sweet, light chocolate, spice, dried fruit. Finish Medium long, wood, roasted, light citrus, light chocolate, vanilla, faint caramel."


Rum Shark • Travellers
RX11713   2007   14yr   68,10%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rum2007
8.3/10 (30)

Meilleure critique de Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰 :

"14.05.2022 Had a nice meet up with some nice rums, good friends and also new rum enthusiasts. Notes Medium dark in colour. Nose Light wood, clove, light chocolate, raisin, lightly sweet, fruity. Palate Oily, light wood, faint smoke, spice, fruity, raisin, chocolate, medium spicy, balanced, light apple. Finish Medium to long, fresh, chocolate, fruits, warm, light citrus, light roasted."

Jamaica Single Cask Selection

Rum Shark • Clarendon
RX13853   2014   8yr   65,60%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumJamaica Single Cask Selection
8.3/10 (28)

Community opinion:

"Une expression jamaïcaine audacieuse, tropicale et complexe."


Rum Shark • Uitvlugt
RX9768   1999   21yr   56%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rum1999
8.2/10 (42)

Community opinion:

"Arôme d'herbes distinctif et palais épicé intense."


Rum Shark • T.D.L
RX11714   2011   10yr   62,5%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumAngostura
8.2/10 (39)

Community opinion:

"Rhum en édition limitée intrigant, robuste et aux couches uniques."


Rum Shark • Foursquare
RX11712   2010   11yr   63,8%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rum2010
8.1/10 (35)

Community opinion:

"Foursquare audacieux, intense mais qui demande de la patience."

Barbados Single Cask Selection

Rum Shark • Foursquare
RX13835   2007   14yr   61,6%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumBarbados Single Cask Selection
8.1/10 (28)

Community opinion:

"Fort, doux et chocolaté - un vrai délice."


Rum Shark • Uitvlugt
RX19303   2004   19yr   51,6%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rum2004
8.1/10 (24)

Meilleure critique de Johannes :

"Guter Port Mourant, der eher auf der dunklen Seite ist, neben Kräutern viel Melasse und Malz, geht fast in Richtung Diamond."

Chamarel 2013

Rum Shark • Chamarel
RX13826   2013   8yr   56,5%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumChamarel 2013
8.0/10 (37)

Community opinion:

"Distinctement fruité et herbacé, avec une complexité épicée."

Era of Discovery Prague

Rum Shark • Destileria Sofa
RX22120   2011   13yr   50%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumEra of Discovery Prague
8.0/10 (26)

Meilleure critique de Filip Kalinovský :

"50% v porovnani s 45% mi přišla mene vonavejsi , mene vune sherry trosku vice alkoholovosti je citit, jinak zaklad stejny jak u 45% chut: zda se ze je sladci nez 45% ale v ustech to je jiny, takovy maslovejsi jemnejsi, hrozinky, karamel , dub atd."


Rum Shark • Clarendon
RX9769   2006   14yr   69%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rum2006
8.0/10 (23)

Meilleure critique de Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰 :

"09.07.2021 Attended a nice tasting arranged by a friend of mine. Notes Dark in colour. Nose Alcoholic, light wood, fruity, banana, pineapple, light glue, faint chocolate. Palate Alcoholic, light wood, faint smoke, berries, light glue, faint mint, spice. Finish Medium long, light wood, faint smoke, berries, cinnamon, faint chocolate, faint nutts. Extra note. Even a long rest couldn't balance the ABV."

The Great Blue Hole (Edition Zero) Era of Discovery

Rum Shark • Travellers
RX13129   65,5%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumThe Great Blue Hole (Edition Zero) Era of Discovery
7.9/10 (36)

Community opinion:

"Rhum bélizien audacieux aux notes fruitées et boisées."

Jamaica Single Cask Selection

Rum Shark • Worthy Park
RX18122   2007   16yr   60,7%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumJamaica Single Cask Selection
7.9/10 (27)

Community opinion:

"Rhum jamaïcain fruité et audacieux avec une touche funky."

Jamaica Single Cask Selection

Rum Shark • Appleton Estate
RX18021   2007   16yr   66,7%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumJamaica Single Cask Selection
7.9/10 (25)

Community opinion:

"Intense, technique, la mise en bouteille du domaine Appleton divise."

Travellers (Cognac Finish)

Rum Shark • Travellers
RX18237   2006   17yr   64%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumTravellers (Cognac Finish)
7.9/10 (23)

Meilleure critique de Filip Šikula :

"Vůně fajn, po napití hodně a dlouho štípe na jazyku. Ten koňakový ocas mi uplně nesedí."

Angostura 2013

Rum Shark • T.D.L
RX17859   2013   10yr   57,8%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumAngostura 2013
7.8/10 (31)

Community opinion:

"Fruité et mentholé avec une force de cask intense."

Era of Discovery Prague 45

Rum Shark • Destileria Sofa
RX22036   2011   13yr   45%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumEra of Discovery Prague 45
7.8/10 (30)

Meilleure critique de Palo - V Poháriku :

"This rum has a very pronounced sweetness, with flavors of honey, nuts, and sweet spices. The level of sweetness is quite surprising, given that it supposedly contains no added sugar. The sweetness is said to come entirely from the PX sherry casks used during aging, it would be interesting to see how much sweetness the casks gave to the rum in the lab tests. Overall, it’s a pleasant rum with a broad appeal, likely to attract a wider audience due to its approachable and well-rounded character."

Single Vintage

Rum Shark • Travellers
RX11747   2014   7yr   70,3%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumSingle Vintage
7.8/10 (29)

Meilleure critique de Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰 :

"14.05.2022 Had a nice meet up with some nice rums, good friends and also new rum enthusiasts. Notes Medium dark in colour. Nose Light roasted wood, light chocolate, light citrus, spice, light herbs, anise, intense. Palate Intense, light wood, spicy, warm, light chocolate, spice, faint herbs, light anise, light citrus, raisin. Finish Long and warm, wood, light roasted, prunes, light chocolate, herbs. Extra note. Needs to rest for a good while or the ABV will kill most of the flavours."

Salto Angel (Edition T2V) Era of Discovery

Rum Shark • Santa Teresa
RX14348   2009   13yr   61,5%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumSalto Angel (Edition T2V) Era of Discovery
7.7/10 (42)

Community opinion:

"Rhum audacieux avec des notes de vanille, de chocolat et d'orange."

Era of Discovery

Rum Shark • Chalong Bay Distillery
RX16387   2019   1yr   58,9%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumEra of Discovery
7.6/10 (29)

Meilleure critique de Martin Švojgr :

"In the taste there is clearly a higher alcohol content than its weaker brother. Especially on the finish."

Salto Angel (Edition T2V) Era of Discovery

Rum Shark • Santa Teresa
RX15011   2009   13yr   47%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumSalto Angel (Edition T2V) Era of Discovery
7.6/10 (29)

Meilleure critique de Filip Heimerle :

"Finale courte, mais la douceur se développe ensuite... bonne entrée en matière."

Travellers (Pineau Finish)

Rum Shark • Travellers
RX18240   2006   17yr   64%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumTravellers (Pineau Finish)
7.6/10 (27)

Community opinion:

"Rhum bélizien riche et réchauffant, notes de chocolat."

Angostura 2009

Rum Shark • T.D.L
RX22029   2009   15yr   60,1%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumAngostura 2009
7.6/10 (24)

Meilleure critique de Filip Šikula :

"Překvapivě sladkej nástup, doprovázen intenzivním alkoholem, poměrně rychle ustoupí a vystřídá ho hořká travnatost. Závěr kratší, hořkej a ovocným odchodem.. čerstvě otevřená láhev, ještě se k ní vrátim."

Era of Discovery

Rum Shark • Chalong Bay Distillery
RX16397   2019   1yr   56,1%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumEra of Discovery
7.5/10 (35)

Meilleure critique de crazyforgoodbooze :

"Je ne connais pas le goût du terreau, mais c'est comme ça que je l'imagine 🤣 malheureusement, ce n'est absolument pas ma tasse de thé... étrangement floral, parfumé et en même temps charnu et umami. Comme un petit pain au cumin avec de l'eau de Cologne et des plantes en pot moisies. En plus, c'est étrangement acide et alcoolisé. Ce n'est pas du tout amusant, désolé😅."

Dominicana 2011 (Blue Label)

Rum Shark • Alcoholes Finos Dominicanos
RX13134   2011   10yr   61,1%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumDominicana 2011 (Blue Label)
7.5/10 (31)

Meilleure critique de Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰 :

"31.12.2022 Our yearly New Year party where we try new rums mixed with the personal bests. Notes Light in colour. Nose Light wood, alcoholic, fruits, faint coconut, light raisin, light chocolate, floral. Palate Unbalanced, alcoholic, light wood, faint smoke, raisin, faint citrus, light chocolate, spice, faint caramel, faint floral. Finish Medium long, unbalanced, alcoholic, light wood, light caramel, dried fruit, faint floral. Extra note. Even when rested for a long while the alcohol is still too dominant."

Dominicana 2011 Single Vintage

Rum Shark • Alcoholes Finos Dominicanos
RX13130   2011   10yr   61,1%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumDominicana 2011 Single Vintage
7.5/10 (27)

Meilleure critique de Johannes :

"Alcool pas bien intégré. Goût un peu plat, légèrement fruité, un peu de noix."

Saint James

Rum Shark • Saint James
RX18036   2017   6yr   66,8%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumSaint James
7.5/10 (25)

Meilleure critique de crazyforgoodbooze :

"Überraschend würzig und süß für eine so jungen agricole und gleichzeitig wenig Holz Einfluss. Erinnert eher an Sandelholz, Zimt Gebäck mit Bitterorangen Glasur und ist insgesamt recht süßlich, nussig und mild trotz des hohen Alkoholgehalts."

Angostura Single Cask Selection

Rum Shark • T.D.L
RX18019   2009   14yr   66,8%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumAngostura Single Cask Selection
6.7/10 (24)

Community opinion:

"Un rhum de Trinidad audacieux, riche en caramel et à haut degré d'alcool."

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