The Duchess

Il y a 29 rhums de The Duchess dans la base de données RumX.

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Les rhums les mieux notés de The Duchess

Short RumX logo10861

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumJamaica 13 (Great House) C<>H


51 évaluations

Jamaica 13 (Great House) C<>H

The Duchess • Hampden
2007   13yr   66,1%   €€€

Meilleure critique de crazyforgoodbooze :

"Absolute board with a hammer UVP! Incredibly beautiful nose of vanilla custard, tropical fruit salad, especially pineapple and honeydew melon, glue and a little cream caramel and lemon zest. The taste is also insanely deliciously sweet and fruity with lemon curd, coffee beans/cappuccino, pineapple chutney, tropical fruit and plenty of glue. This thing is really fun and the alcohol is perfectly integrated! Fuck the "standard" great house series, this is the real shit going on! 🤣🤤🥂🇯🇲💥💣 I would have really liked a bottle for special occasions!"

Short RumX logo8762

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumFiji


51 évaluations


The Duchess • South Pacific
2004   15yr   59,8%   €€

Meilleure critique de lukasdrinkinghabits :

"Update nach ca. 3 Jahren: Habe den Rum nach dem ersten Review kaum mehr im Glas gehabt. Die ursprüngliche. Bewertung mit 88 Pkt. ist sicher eine meiner krassesten Fehleinschätzungen. Das aromatische Spektrum habe ich richtig beschrieben, aber die Bewertung kanm ich nicht mehr nachvollziehen. Das ist ein ziemlich seichter ColumnStill Rum. Die typischen Fiji-Aromen sind weit im Hintergrund. Nachvorne ist er super soft und gefällig. Heute hat Planteray einige solcher Fijis abgefüllt, zum Zeitpunkt der Abfüllung des Duchess war das Profil noch unbekannt. -8 Punkte Anders als die früheren 2004er Releases wartet dieser Fiji mit 12 Jahren tropischer Reifung auf - wie der Holmes Cays. Wirkt deutlich jünger als der 17yo TRC (positiv gemeint). Im ersten Moment erkennt man nicht, dass es sich um einen Fiji handelt. Die Nase ist sehr zurückhaltend und erinnert eher an jüngere Bajan Rums. Im Mund kommen die Fiji-Aromen langsam dazu, vor allem die pfanzlichen Noten, weniger die Gummi-Seite, dadurch wird er sehr komplex und balanciert. Bisschen wie ein dreckiger Foursquare. Der Alkohol ist super eingebunden. Top!"

Short RumX logo14156

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumLa Reunion 19


50 évaluations

La Reunion 19

The Duchess • Savanna
2003   19yr   67,2%   €€€

Meilleure critique de Gunnar Böhme "Bauerngaumen" 🤓 :

"Crosstasting 14.05.2023: RX9388: 75/100 RX300: 76/100 RX14156: 87/100 RX7316: 89/100 RX308: 90/100 RX219: 92/100 RumX-Adventskalender 15.12.2023 What is striking about this rum is that you really don't feel any alcohol at all on the nose, but it really packs a punch in the mouth. This rum really has two very, very different sides."

Short RumX logo11981

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumTrinidad 13


43 évaluations

Trinidad 13

The Duchess • Ten Cane
2008   13yr   64,4%   €€€

Meilleure critique de lukasdrinkinghabits :

"After a quarter of a bottle it is still a top rum. I'm thrilled. This Duchess is significantly woodier and toastier than its predecessor and much heavier than the RdL bottlings from the Collectors Ed. The cherry and berries only come to the fore behind the glue and burnt spices - more red fruit jelly than fresh fruit. There is also some polish and cardboard. In the mouth, the berries are more present and even riper, like in an old Tempranillo, plus dark chocolate, crumbly tannins, the spices and artichoke and beet? The finish is super relaxed and the alcohol integration, which was previously the weak point of all 10 Canes, is much better in this one! Minimal criticism: Unfortunately, the rum lacks the citrus facet that characterized the other 2008s. Uodate: In crosstasting with the new Trinidad rum club. Could still understand my tasting notes very well. The rum club doesn't want to classify itself so confidently. The Rumclub lacks the sour cherries, the berries, the old Agricole. Instead, it brings the typical TDL peach and mint iced tea. I'm confused and need to do a bigger comparison session."

Short RumX logo7155

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumTrinidad 11


42 évaluations

Trinidad 11

The Duchess • Ten Cane
2008   11yr   63%   €€€

Meilleure critique de crazyforgoodbooze :

"the nose is gigantic! Sour cherry, red grapes, raspberry, currant, cinnamon and again this typical rose, mango and sandalwood note in the background🌹🥭in the taste then incredibly harmonious, spicy and complex.Cherry, raspberry, red grape, currant, cocoa, milk chocolate, cinnamon fruit bread with candied grapefruit zesten and ginger, slightly salty notes to it and the rose resonates beautifully in the background without dominating and rounds off the whole wonderfully.... Partly but also a little wet cardboard and a lot of wood the longer my sample is open. all in all a terrific Ten Cane. Who likes old Agricoles a la j bally 2000 will come here fully at his expense!quite great cinema!❤️🇹🇹🤘"

Short RumX logo11442

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumJamaica 20 LPS


40 évaluations

Jamaica 20 LPS

The Duchess • Long Pond
2001   20yr   60,1%   €€€

Meilleure critique de Thunderbird :

"Ester, as far as the nose reaches... in addition fermented pineapple, delicate vanilla and some citrus... there are almost comparisons to the Hampden C<>H on the palate, also here pushes on comparisons... however, swing here clear nuances of marzipan with .... as well as the finish, would be the alcohol better integrated, the rating could be significantly higher!A strong, but not comfortable rum! With rough edges"

Short RumX logo10462

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumJamaica 13 (Great House) C<>H


37 évaluations

Jamaica 13 (Great House) C<>H

The Duchess • Hampden
2007   13yr   66,9%   €€€

Meilleure critique de crazyforgoodbooze :

"Absolutes Brett mit einer Hammer UVP! Tolle Nase aus Karamellbonbons, tropischem Obstsalat, mit vor allem Ananas und Honigmelone und ordentlich Klebstoff und Würze. Geschmacklich würzig intensiv süß nach jungem Holz, viel Gewürzen, Karamell , Ananas und ordentlich Klebstoff. Das Ding macht richtig Spaß und der Alkohol ist absolut perfekt integriert! Insgesamt find ich den batch 2 mit 66,1% aber ein Stück besser! Scheiß auf die "Standard" great house Serie, this is the real shit going on! 🤣🤤🥂🇯🇲💥💣 Hätte ich wirklich gerne ne Flasche für besondere Anlässe von!"

Short RumX logo4502

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumGuyana


34 évaluations


The Duchess • Enmore
1990   28yr   54,9%   €€€

Meilleure critique de Gunnar Böhme "Bauerngaumen" 🤓 :

"Subsequent tasting of the rum from 21.12. from the 2023 RumX calendar: Somehow I find it difficult to find this rum really good. What bothers me most is this initial unexpected sweetness that covers the herbs like a film. This sweetish film gradually disappears, but I still can't quite warm to this rum. One of the weaker Enmores of the 1990 vintage."

Short RumX logo11475

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumGuyana 24


32 évaluations

Guyana 24

The Duchess • Uitvlugt
1997   24yr   55,3%   €€€

Meilleure critique de DomM :

"Vertical PM tasting: 89 / 95 /97 / 97 (cognac finish) / 02 / 05 / 13 Very nice. Predominantly leaning towards darker / woody / roasted notes. The cognac cask is quite noticeable adding grapes and a certain elegance to the rum. Interesting and noticeable different in the best sense."

Short RumX logo7156

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumBarbados 19


24 évaluations

Barbados 19

The Duchess • Mount Gay
19yr   54,3%   €€

Meilleure critique de mto75 :

"Obwohl ich nicht der größte Mount Gay Fan bin, muss ich sagen, dass mir der Duchess durchaus gefällt. Ich wüsste auch nicht, ob ich ihn blind überhaupt als Mount Gay erkannt hätte. An der Nase florale Noten, gelbe Früchte, Wassermelone, Karamellpudding. Am Gaumen Tabak, Gewürze. Hinten raus ordentlich Fass / Tannine."

Short RumX logo395

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumTrinidad HTR


23 évaluations

Trinidad HTR

The Duchess • Caroni
1998   21yr   64,1%   €€€€

Meilleure critique de Oliver :

"Very pleasant nose. A bit too peppery on the palate. On balance, however, a nice representative of the 1998 vintage."

Short RumX logo17861

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumNautilus


20 évaluations


The Duchess • Caroni
1991   31yr   54,1%   €€€€

Meilleure critique de Tom Buteneers :

"Very fruity with the recognizable Caroni notes present but not overpowering. Very well balanced and easy to drink, the 54,1% hits the perfect spot.. Glad to have a couple cl left after the split on the forum. Happy to give my father a taste of it today."

Short RumX logo10463

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumBarbados 21


19 évaluations

Barbados 21

The Duchess • Foursquare
1999   21yr   60,2%   €€€

Meilleure critique de Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰 :

"A pretty well rounded Foursquare with nice fruits and lovely spicy touch. Oily palate with a medium finish. Draws really nice curtains in the glass and the empty glass is nice and I can pick up a light marzipan note."

Short RumX logo10370

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumAustralia 13


19 évaluations

Australia 13

The Duchess • Beenleigh
2007   13yr   63,4%   €€

Meilleure critique de Rowald Sweet Empire :

"Very closed nose at first. Wood and apples. Taste: more oak wood (American Oak/Pine wood). Bourbon. Pear.. a lot of pear. Some ripe peaches too. A nice sweetness. Dry and bitter. The cask is very dominant, but that's okay. This one needs time in the glass. I like the balance between sweetness, fruits and cask. Some pepper or ginger spiciness. Tasty. Probably one of the better Beenleighs I've had"

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