The Whisky Agency

Il y a 30 rhums de The Whisky Agency dans la base de données RumX.

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Les rhums les mieux notés de The Whisky Agency

Short RumX logo20297

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumCuba (15th Anniversary The Whisky Agency)


26 évaluations

Cuba (15th Anniversary The Whisky Agency)

The Whisky Agency
1963   60yr   48,5%   €€€€

Meilleure critique de Gunnar Böhme "Bauerngaumen" 🤓 :

"Not the oldest rum I have tried so far, but nearly. I tasted this rum together with RX18823 (WDC Cuba 1992). And I must say that on the nose there isn’t much difference, both are relatively weak (smooth) there, no alcohol noticeable at all. On the palate the difference is bigger: The 1963 is much woodier, which is no surprise, taking the age into regard. But also remarkably stronger in the sense of mouth filling, which is surprising, because it contains less alcohol (48,5%). While in the 1992 I can taste malt, the 1963 comes out with licorice and leather - it really reminds me of a very old Demerara rum! :flushed::yum: Conclusion: In the mouth they develop a slightly different taste and strength, but both are great rums imo - 88 points each. ¡Salud! :tumbler_glass::tumbler_glass: P. D.: Again I’m quite sure that both are from the Santiago distillery."

Short RumX logo1228

Image of the front of the bottle of the rum1990


13 évaluations


The Whisky Agency • Uitvlugt
1990   25yr   49,7%   €€€

Meilleure critique de Jakob :

"Schöner 1990er Uitvlugt mit angenehmer Balance aus tropischen Fruchtaromen, Holzeinflüssen, dezenten Gewürzen und etwas Mineralik. Toller Trinkrum mit wohltarierter Komplexität."

Short RumX logo3591

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumThe Nectar Of The Daily Drams


12 évaluations

The Nectar Of The Daily Drams

The Whisky Agency • Uitvlugt
1990   27yr   51,7%   €€€

Meilleure critique de Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰 :

"03.01.2020 In a cottage with friends for the weekend with a few bottles of rum. Notes: Light to medium dark colour. Nose: Wood, solvents, citrus, anise, nutmeg, light caramel. Palate: Wood, spicy, dried fruit, vegetal, herbs, leather, faint coffee. Finish: Medium to long, warm, wood, raisin, citrus, medium dry, coffee."

Short RumX logo18353

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumHeads & Tails, Canada


11 évaluations

Heads & Tails, Canada

The Whisky Agency • T.D.L
1999   21yr   52,7%   €€€

Meilleure critique de Gunnar Böhme "Bauerngaumen" 🤓 :

"Phew, so if all TDLs from the 1999 vintage, which I've never tasted before, are as whisky-like as this bottling, then the vintage can stay stolen from me. No comparison to the bottlings of the following millennium."

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