The Whisky Agency & The Nectar

Il y a 3 rhums de The Whisky Agency & The Nectar dans la base de données RumX.

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Les rhums les mieux notés de The Whisky Agency & The Nectar

Short RumX logo4542

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumVery Fine Old Jamaican Rum


10 évaluations

Very Fine Old Jamaican Rum

The Whisky Agency & The Nectar
1977   35yr   52,9%   €€€€

Meilleure critique de Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰 :

"03.03.2018 A wonderful day with my friend from Singapore at the event in my hometown. Notes: Pretty nice rum my friend brought for us to taste. Despite the relative ABV the profile is light and fruity with nice balance. Finish is medium long and lightly dry."

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