Twelve Whisky d’Aubrac

Il y a 13 rhums de Twelve Whisky d’Aubrac dans la base de données RumX.

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Les rhums les mieux notés de Twelve Whisky d’Aubrac

Rhum Rare Guyana & Jamaica

Twelve Whisky d’Aubrac • Multi Distilleries
RX1553   63,5%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumRhum Rare Guyana & Jamaica
8.3/10 (95)

Community opinion:

"Mélange intrigant de saveurs tropicales, de chocolat et de bois."

Rhum Rare Réunion & Jamaica - Pineau de Charentes Finish

Twelve Whisky d’Aubrac
RX3692   62%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumRhum Rare Réunion & Jamaica - Pineau de Charentes Finish
8.1/10 (16)

Community opinion:

"Fruité, complexe et riche ; un mélange harmonieux."

Rhum Rare Jamaica & Barbados Port Cask Finish

Twelve Whisky d’Aubrac • Multi Distilleries
RX3749   65%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumRhum Rare Jamaica & Barbados Port Cask Finish
8.0/10 (32)

Community opinion:

"Mélange tropical unique, audacieux et savoureux."

Rhum Rare Réunion & Jamaica Calva Cask Finish

Twelve Whisky d’Aubrac • Multi Distilleries
RX2258   62%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumRhum Rare Réunion & Jamaica Calva Cask Finish
8.0/10 (10)

Meilleure critique de Rhum Mirror 🇧🇪 :

"It is a blend of Reunion Island (Rivière du Mât distillery), and Jamaica (Worthy Park distillery).we are on a pale gold rum. With a nose clearly predominant on Jamaica, rather lively not too aggressive for the 62%. Thanks to the aeration, Reunion Island presents itself with its characteristic tropical fruitiness. The mouth is strong and powerful, we take in full pear the 62% contrary to the nose. We have a beautiful long length rather fresh, dry and iodized (slightly fruity). The mixture is daring and rather well found."

Rhum Rare Nicaragua & Jamaica

Twelve Whisky d’Aubrac • Multi Distilleries
RX9080   43,5%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumRhum Rare Nicaragua & Jamaica
7.8/10 (12)

Community opinion:

"Mélange fruité et onctueux avec des notes de vanille et de caramel."

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