Wood & Co

Il y a 4 rhums de Wood & Co dans la base de données RumX.

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Short RumX logo5629

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumWood‘s 100 Old Navy Rum


10 évaluations

Wood‘s 100 Old Navy Rum

Wood & Co • Diamond
3yr   57%   €€

Meilleure critique de Jakob :

"A somehow crazy mixture of the classic Demerara profile of the 70s and the rich added sweetness of molasses and maple syrup. Yes, the flavour profile has almost certainly been tinkered with afterwards - but the aromatic DNA of the old Demeraras is still recognizable. What awaits the inclined rum lover in the glass is by no means just a clumsy attempt to pimp an unimpressive distillate after the fact - because the raw material was obviously not entirely without quality. Exactly how good can hardly be determined, there are definitely too many decorative accessories involved. The result has to be considered - and it is still quite convincing. Please note: My assessment refers to a bottling from the 1970s (see picture) - later releases sometimes differ massively in profile."

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