
Il y a 275 rhums de Allemagne dans la base de données RumX.

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Rhums populaires de Allemagne

Rumclub Private Selection Ed. 48

Spirit of Rum • Simon‘s
RX21528   2013   11yr   52,3%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumRumclub Private Selection Ed. 48
7.8/10 (21)

Community opinion:

"Rhum allemand unique aux saveurs audacieuses et complexes."

Razel‘s Peanut Butter Rum

RX10868   38,1%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumRazel‘s Peanut Butter Rum
6.9/10 (37)

Community opinion:

"Goût de beurre de cacahuète, sucré et semblable à un dessert."

Schwarzwald Rum Wood stork

Bimmerle AG
RX7355   2018   40%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumSchwarzwald Rum Wood stork
6.0/10 (25)

Community opinion:

"Rhum épicé audacieux avec du gingembre et de l'orange."

Les rhums les mieux notés Allemagne

Valkyrie Castanea

RX1464   48,8%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumValkyrie Castanea
7.9/10 (11)

Meilleure critique de zabo :

"Edit: man muss zugeben er geht er Richtung whisky, aber er ich finde ihn trotzdem super interessant. Er hat seine Eigenarten, außerhalb der Range. Als CubaLibre eine Bereicherung Am Community Tasting Nürnberg mitgebracht. Manchen mag er zwar ein bißchen zu sehr Richtung whisky gehen, aber für mich ist er eine schöne Erweiterung der Geschmacksrichtungen in der Rumwelt. Für einen deutschen Rum in einem Kastanienfass echt gut."

Rumclub Private Selection Ed. 48

Spirit of Rum • Simon‘s
RX21528   2013   11yr   52,3%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumRumclub Private Selection Ed. 48
7.8/10 (21)

Community opinion:

"Rhum allemand unique aux saveurs audacieuses et complexes."

Blackforest Wild Rum

Franz Wild GbR • Brennerei & Weingut Wild
RX1661   42%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumBlackforest Wild Rum
7.5/10 (44)

Community opinion:

"Rhum épicé sucré et vanillé avec des notes d'agrumes."

Rumult Signature Cask Collection

RX493   2017   43%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumRumult Signature Cask Collection
7.5/10 (17)

Community opinion:

"Arôme de miel et de vanille avec une finale semblable à celle du whisky."

Warlich Warlich Rum

Heinrich von Have
RX7830   40%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumWarlich Warlich Rum
7.3/10 (14)

Meilleure critique de Frank :

"Not always just high-end, sometimes simple rum also finds its way into my glass. The sample was a "gift". First of all: what really always bothers me about rum descriptions are attributes such as award-winning, made according to a family recipe, etc. This is also the case here. This is also the case here. What does "made according to a family recipe" actually mean? Exactly, nothing at all! There is no statement about exact origin, age or storage. At least without sugar and flavorings. That's good!!! Let's see: Nose: yes, there's Jamaica in there. Slight esters, but mainly lemon and lime. It comes across as quite fresh. But it's also clearly reminiscent of washing-up liquid. Vanilla is added behind it. Overall, it comes across as weak and thin, which goes hand in hand with the reduction to 40%. 6,0 Palate: as expected, quite thin and watered down. But quite spicy. Find some cardamom, clove and caraway alongside lemon. But here rather artificial candied lemon peel or candied orange peel, as in fruit bread. Unfortunately not a typical Jamaican representative. 5,0 It is a simple blend that is aimed at beginners and is suitable as a nice Hamburg souvenir. But that's all it is in my eyes. Sorry."

Corvus Rum Gold

RX20309   2022   43%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumCorvus Rum Gold
7.3/10 (17)

Community opinion:

"Saveur végétale, arôme frais, meilleur en tant que mélangeur."

Moin Sankt Pauli

RX9766   40%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumMoin Sankt Pauli
7.0/10 (11)

Meilleure critique de Rolf Pankoff 🇩🇪 :

"Durch Facebook-Marketing drauf aufmerksam geworden. Günstiger Preis, Duft & Geschmack ist echt geil, wenn man wie ich die Schoko/Kakao Note mag. 👍"

Wagemut Ida van der Ille

N. Kröger
RX10129   33,2%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumWagemut Ida van der Ille
7.0/10 (25)

Community opinion:

"Rhum doux épicé à la vanille avec des tendances à la liqueur."

Paul & Virginie Eden Gold

Pabst & Richarz
RX12026   40%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumPaul & Virginie Eden Gold
7.0/10 (11)

Meilleure critique de BjörnNi 🥃 :

"Pas mal pour un discounter"

Razel‘s Choco Brownie Rum

RX10869   38,1%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumRazel‘s Choco Brownie Rum
7.0/10 (31)

Community opinion:

"Brownie au chocolat liquide dans un rhum sucré."

Razel‘s Peanut Butter Rum

RX10868   38,1%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumRazel‘s Peanut Butter Rum
6.9/10 (37)

Community opinion:

"Goût de beurre de cacahuète, sucré et semblable à un dessert."

Spiced / Frühstücks-Rum / Ida von der Ille

N. Kröger
RX1210   33,2%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumSpiced / Frühstücks-Rum / Ida von der Ille
6.6/10 (12)

Meilleure critique de Jürgen Gigl :

"„Ur“-Rum von Nicolas Kröger in Tonflasche mit Wachsverschluss. Später Frühstücks und aktuell Ida van der Ille. Ein guter Rum für alle, die es gerne süß mögen …"

Rum Jamaica Wood-Finish

Edelbrände Senft • Senft
RX3723   2021   3yr   40%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumRum Jamaica Wood-Finish
6.3/10 (25)

Community opinion:

"Doux, fruité et onctueux avec une finale douce."

Schwarzwald Rum Wood stork

Bimmerle AG
RX7355   2018   40%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumSchwarzwald Rum Wood stork
6.0/10 (25)

Community opinion:

"Rhum épicé audacieux avec du gingembre et de l'orange."

Strawberry Rum

Tante Hilde
RX5010   35%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumStrawberry Rum
5.5/10 (10)

Community opinion:

"Fruité avec des notes de fraise, idéal pour les cocktails."

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812 évaluations

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