Chalong Bay Distillery

Il y a 23 rhums de la distillerie Chalong Bay Distillery dans la base de données RumX.

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Les rhums les mieux notés de Chalong Bay Distillery

Short RumX logo16397

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumEra of Discovery


32 évaluations

Era of Discovery

Rum Shark • Chalong Bay Distillery
2019   1yr   56,1%   €€€

Meilleure critique de crazyforgoodbooze :

"Ich weiß zwar nicht wie Blumenerde schmeckt aber so stell ich es mir vor 🤣 leider absolut nicht mein Fall.. seltsam Floral, parfumiert und gleichzeitig fleischig und umami. Wie ein kümmelbrötchen mit kölsch Wasser und modrigen Topfpflanzen. Dazu seltsam säuerlich und alkoholisch. Macht so gar keinen Spaß, sorry😅"

Short RumX logo13441

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumCollection Antipodes


29 évaluations

Collection Antipodes

Chalong Bay Distillery
2020   2yr   62,1%   €€

Meilleure critique de zabo :

"Edit: Tried again in TiPunch, therefore corrected upwards a little. All in all, a rum that you can drink. For me, better than expected. Although this type of rum doesn't really appeal to me straight. Nice to have tried, but the rest will end up in a TiPunch as a mixer, as I don't think the alcohol integration is all that successful."

Short RumX logo16387

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumEra of Discovery


25 évaluations

Era of Discovery

Rum Shark • Chalong Bay Distillery
2019   1yr   58,9%   €€€

Meilleure critique de Martin Švojgr :

"In the taste there is clearly a higher alcohol content than its weaker brother. Especially on the finish."

Short RumX logo7600

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumChalong Bay Wild Fermentation / High Proof


18 évaluations

Chalong Bay Wild Fermentation / High Proof

Chalong Bay Distillery
49%   €

Meilleure critique de Thunderbird :

"On the nose very beguilingly intense, typical Agricole, but here with a touch of fruitiness. The palate, unfortunately, can not quite keep up. It is too light and soft"

Short RumX logo951

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumThe Spirit Of Phuket


18 évaluations

The Spirit Of Phuket

Chalong Bay Distillery
2015   40%

Meilleure critique de Timo Groeger :

"An average rum, but it's quite okay. Of course it tastes very alcoholic and you can also taste the Agricole, but I still think it's okay. The alcohol is moderately integrated. Definitely quite good with cola."

Short RumX logo12824

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumChalong Bay Double Barrel


17 évaluations

Chalong Bay Double Barrel

Chalong Bay Distillery
47%   €€

Meilleure critique de Timo Groeger :

"Trifft jetzt irgendwie nicht do ganz meinen Geschmack, ist aber ansonsten ganz okay. Kaum definierbare Nase, für mich hier Vanille und tropischen Früchten. Am Gaumen kommen dann noch Holz und Gewürze hinzu. Ansonsten recht alkoholisch. Durchschnitt, mehr nicht."

Short RumX logo17381

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumLunar Series - Fût Ex-Shochu (LMDW)


15 évaluations

Lunar Series - Fût Ex-Shochu (LMDW)

Chalong Bay Distillery
60,7%   €€

Meilleure critique de Jarek :

"I kind of like Chalong Bay. I discovered the first rum under this name on vacation years ago and have followed the development with interest ever since. Nice guys, great project (e.g. with the mobile sugar juice press to press the sugar cane directly on the small farmers' fields). Very unique floral profile, here still with the barrel influence that reminds me of sake. Not the highest league, but delicious, pure and as a mixed rum."

Short RumX logo7601

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumChalong Bay High Proof


13 évaluations

Chalong Bay High Proof

Chalong Bay Distillery
57%   €€

Meilleure critique de TheRhumhoe :

"A particularly expressive Thai rum, which carries on the nose notes of vegetal and floral freshness, tropical fruits, spices and a touch of varnish. This strength is reflected in the palate: the rum is warm, intense and powerful with metallic and spicy notes (notably chili), but balances very well with the minty freshness, the saline touch, the tropical fruits and the sugar cane. The finish, rather average in length, underlines the small details raised in the mouth (saline and iodine notes) and the sugar cane and pepper. A proof that Thailand, with the right know-how, can produce very good rums."

Short RumX logo4624

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumThe Spirit Of Phuket Pure Series


11 évaluations

The Spirit Of Phuket Pure Series

Chalong Bay Distillery
2018   40%   €

Meilleure critique de Djehey :

"Un goût de fruit exotique et d'herbes fraîches. On sent malheureusement un peu trop la dilution. A essayer à plus fort degré. L'histoire de la distillerie est passionnante : elle est le fruit delà volonté de français passionné qui ont voulu croire en leur rêve. Chapeau bas!"

Short RumX logo5798

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumThe Spirit Of Phuket Thai Sweet Basil


10 évaluations

The Spirit Of Phuket Thai Sweet Basil

Chalong Bay Distillery
2018   40%   €

Meilleure critique de TheRhumhoe :

"A rum infused with basil during distillation, this little juice from Thailand has its own distinctive character. The nose is particularly marked by basil, the freshness of aromatic herbs and citrus fruits, lychee, sugar cane and spices (chili pepper, paprika). A surprising profile, a little zany but very pleasant. The attack on the palate is well rounded. Although only 40%, the flavors assert themselves with basil and herbaceous notes, exotic fruits, lime and sugar cane, as well as spices (anise, chili pepper) and an umami taste that adds relief on the palate. Very drinkable and smooth. The finish is quite long, maintaining the same framework of vegetal, fruity and slightly spicy notes. Even if it's not a great rum, it's still a pleasant surprise that drinks (too) well and at an attractive price."

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Short RumX logo13441

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumCollection Antipodes


29 évaluations

Collection Antipodes

Chalong Bay Distillery
2020   2yr   62,1%   €€

Meilleure critique de zabo :

"Edit: Tried again in TiPunch, therefore corrected upwards a little. All in all, a rum that you can drink. For me, better than expected. Although this type of rum doesn't really appeal to me straight. Nice to have tried, but the rest will end up in a TiPunch as a mixer, as I don't think the alcohol integration is all that successful."

Short RumX logo7600

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumChalong Bay Wild Fermentation / High Proof


18 évaluations

Chalong Bay Wild Fermentation / High Proof

Chalong Bay Distillery
49%   €

Meilleure critique de Thunderbird :

"On the nose very beguilingly intense, typical Agricole, but here with a touch of fruitiness. The palate, unfortunately, can not quite keep up. It is too light and soft"

Short RumX logo12824

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumChalong Bay Double Barrel


17 évaluations

Chalong Bay Double Barrel

Chalong Bay Distillery
47%   €€

Meilleure critique de Timo Groeger :

"Trifft jetzt irgendwie nicht do ganz meinen Geschmack, ist aber ansonsten ganz okay. Kaum definierbare Nase, für mich hier Vanille und tropischen Früchten. Am Gaumen kommen dann noch Holz und Gewürze hinzu. Ansonsten recht alkoholisch. Durchschnitt, mehr nicht."

Short RumX logo17381

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumLunar Series - Fût Ex-Shochu (LMDW)


15 évaluations

Lunar Series - Fût Ex-Shochu (LMDW)

Chalong Bay Distillery
60,7%   €€

Meilleure critique de Jarek :

"I kind of like Chalong Bay. I discovered the first rum under this name on vacation years ago and have followed the development with interest ever since. Nice guys, great project (e.g. with the mobile sugar juice press to press the sugar cane directly on the small farmers' fields). Very unique floral profile, here still with the barrel influence that reminds me of sake. Not the highest league, but delicious, pure and as a mixed rum."

Short RumX logo7601

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumChalong Bay High Proof


13 évaluations

Chalong Bay High Proof

Chalong Bay Distillery
57%   €€

Meilleure critique de TheRhumhoe :

"A particularly expressive Thai rum, which carries on the nose notes of vegetal and floral freshness, tropical fruits, spices and a touch of varnish. This strength is reflected in the palate: the rum is warm, intense and powerful with metallic and spicy notes (notably chili), but balances very well with the minty freshness, the saline touch, the tropical fruits and the sugar cane. The finish, rather average in length, underlines the small details raised in the mouth (saline and iodine notes) and the sugar cane and pepper. A proof that Thailand, with the right know-how, can produce very good rums."

Short RumX logo4624

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumThe Spirit Of Phuket Pure Series


11 évaluations

The Spirit Of Phuket Pure Series

Chalong Bay Distillery
2018   40%   €

Meilleure critique de Djehey :

"Un goût de fruit exotique et d'herbes fraîches. On sent malheureusement un peu trop la dilution. A essayer à plus fort degré. L'histoire de la distillerie est passionnante : elle est le fruit delà volonté de français passionné qui ont voulu croire en leur rêve. Chapeau bas!"

Short RumX logo5798

Image of the front of the bottle of the rumThe Spirit Of Phuket Thai Sweet Basil


10 évaluations

The Spirit Of Phuket Thai Sweet Basil

Chalong Bay Distillery
2018   40%   €

Meilleure critique de TheRhumhoe :

"A rum infused with basil during distillation, this little juice from Thailand has its own distinctive character. The nose is particularly marked by basil, the freshness of aromatic herbs and citrus fruits, lychee, sugar cane and spices (chili pepper, paprika). A surprising profile, a little zany but very pleasant. The attack on the palate is well rounded. Although only 40%, the flavors assert themselves with basil and herbaceous notes, exotic fruits, lime and sugar cane, as well as spices (anise, chili pepper) and an umami taste that adds relief on the palate. Very drinkable and smooth. The finish is quite long, maintaining the same framework of vegetal, fruity and slightly spicy notes. Even if it's not a great rum, it's still a pleasant surprise that drinks (too) well and at an attractive price."

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7.5/10235 évaluations
Évaluation globale

Profil de saveur de Chalong Bay Distillery

Saveurs les plus fréquemment mentionnées


Canne à sucre Agrumes Végétal Frais Agricole Citron vert


Canne à sucre Frais Végétal Citron vert Floral Agricole


Végétal Épicé Fruité Pimenté Herbacé Frais

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À propos de la distillerie Chalong Bay Distillery

La distillerie Chalong Bay Distillery est située à Thailand. Les rhums de Chalong Bay Distillery ont été examinés 235 fois avec une moyenne de 7.5/10.

Tous les rhums de Chalong Bay Distillery

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