Tecno Azucar

Il y a 16 rhums de la distillerie Tecno Azucar dans la base de données RumX.

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Les rhums les mieux notés de Tecno Azucar

3 Años

Santero • Tecno Azucar
RX4487   3yr   38%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rum3 Años
5.7/10 (12)

Meilleure critique de LukaŽiga :

"5,2:On the nose, the first impression we get is malty with sweet smoke, actually peated, like whisky. Then sugar cane is out, a bit mineral, honeyed with citrus. Out of nowhere, hop note crawls and roasted, medicinal notes with a hint of wood, as it is a bit alcoholic, metallic, then there is menthol, maybe olive? After aeration, subtle tropical fruits emerge, is more metallic, as a feeling of alcohol is stronger, more rest helps, as smoke is back, some grape/raisin notes. Well, the first impression is much better... 5,5:On the palate, the attack is soft, delicate and sweet, syrupy with sugar cane, spice, hints of wood, vanilla and caramel, prehaps with a bite of chocolate, a bit smoky, roasted and vegetal with menthol as it becomes a bit bitter and dry. 4,8:The finish is quite short, sweet with caramel, maybe a hint of cocoa, dry, smoky/medicinal and hints of wood, spices, dried fruits..."

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21 évaluations

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Alcoolique Agrumes Canne à sucre Vanillé


Doux Boisé Caramel Fruité


Eau-de-vie de fruits Doux Caramel Cacao

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À propos de la distillerie Tecno Azucar

La distillerie Tecno Azucar est située à Cuba. Les rhums de Tecno Azucar ont été examinés 21 fois avec une moyenne de 6.6/10.

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